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Valentin Moguérou 2 years ago
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@ -1,145 +1,145 @@
A library for the steganography program
Copyright (C) 2022 Valentin Moguérou
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
from typing import BinaryIO
from PIL import Image
# ================= BINARY OPERATIONS =================
def write_lsb_in_bin(byte, bit):
"Write the specified bit in the LSB of the specified byte"
return byte & 254 | bit if bit==1 else byte & 254
def read_lsb_in_bin(byte):
return byte & 1
def combine_bits_to_byte(bits):
Turns a sequence of bits into an integer.
Example: turns [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1] into 0b01101101 or 109
return sum(bits[-1-i]<<i for i in range(len(bits)))
def split_byte_into_bits(integer):
Turns an integer into an array of bits
Example: turns 109 or 0b01101101 into [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]
return [integer>>(7-i)&1 for i in range(8)]
def hex_print(byte_list, margin=0, line_width=16):
"Prints a byte list in hexadecimal"
for line in range(0, len(byte_list), line_width):
print(' '*margin + ' '.join(f'{byte:02X}' for byte in byte_list[line:line+line_width]))
# ================= STRING OPERATIONS =================
def encode_string(string: str) -> bytearray:
"Turns the given string into a byte array"
return bytearray(ord(ch) for ch in string+'\0')
def decode_string(bytelist: bytearray) -> str:
"Turns the given byte array into a string"
return ''.join(chr(b) for b in bytelist)
# ================= WRITE OPERATIONS =================
def write_band(band: bytearray, byte_list: bytearray, starting_pos=0) -> bool:
"Writes a byte sequence in the given band"
for index in range(starting_pos, len(band), 8):
band[index:index+8] = (write_lsb_in_bin(band[index+i], bit) for i, bit in enumerate(split_byte_into_bits(byte_list[index//8])))
if byte_list[index//8] == 0:
return True, index+8 # finished writing
return False, index+8 # didn't finish writing, return last index
def write_image(img: Image.Image, byte_list, verbose=False):
data = [bytearray(band.tobytes()) for band in img.split()]
ok, position = write_band(data[0], byte_list)
if not ok:
ok, position = write_band(data[1], byte_list, position)
if not ok:
ok, position = write_band(data[2], byte_list, position)
if not ok:
raise ValueError("The byte sequence is too long.")
if verbose:
print(f"{position} bits, {position//8} bytes successfully written.")
return Image.merge(img.mode, [Image.frombytes('L', img.size, bytes(band)) for band in data])
def write_file(from_file: BinaryIO, to_file: BinaryIO, byte_list, verbose=False):
write_image(, byte_list, verbose=verbose).save(to_file)
# ================= READ OPERATIONS =================
def read_band(band: bytes, byte_list: bytearray) -> bool:
"Turns a sequence of pixels into a byte list"
for i in range(0, len(band), 8):
bits = [read_lsb_in_bin(b) for b in band[i:i+8]]
if all(b==0 for b in bits):
return True # finished reading
return False # didn't finish reading
def read_image(img: Image.Image, verbose=False):
"Read the whole image"
data = [band.tobytes() for band in img.split()]
byte_list = bytearray()
if read_band(data[0], byte_list):
if verbose:
print("Successfully finished reading.")
elif read_band(data[1], byte_list):
if verbose:
print("Successfully finished reading.")
print("Read the whole red band.")
elif read_band(data[1], byte_list):
if verbose:
print("Successfully finished reading.")
print("Read the whole green band.")
if verbose:
print("Read the whole blue band.")
raise ValueError("Invalid image, did not find end control sequence.")
return byte_list
def read_file(from_file: BinaryIO, verbose=False):
return read_image(, verbose=verbose)
# ================= EXAMPLE PROGRAM =================
def main():
s = "This is a string"
oldimg ='guitar.jpg')
newimg = write_image(oldimg, encode_string(s))'dissimulated.png', 'PNG')
print(f"String: --> {read_image('guitar.jpg'))} (guitar.jpg)")
print(f"String: --> {decode_string(read_image('dissimulated.png')))} (dissimulated.png)")
if __name__ == '__main__':
A library for the steganography program
Copyright (C) 2022 Valentin Moguérou
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
from typing import BinaryIO
from PIL import Image
# ================= BINARY OPERATIONS =================
def write_lsb_in_bin(byte, bit):
"Write the specified bit in the LSB of the specified byte"
return byte & 254 | bit if bit==1 else byte & 254
def read_lsb_in_bin(byte):
return byte & 1
def combine_bits_to_byte(bits):
Turns a sequence of bits into an integer.
Example: turns [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1] into 0b01101101 or 109
return sum(bits[-1-i]<<i for i in range(len(bits)))
def split_byte_into_bits(integer):
Turns an integer into an array of bits
Example: turns 109 or 0b01101101 into [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]
return [integer>>(7-i)&1 for i in range(8)]
def hex_print(byte_list, margin=0, line_width=16):
"Prints a byte list in hexadecimal"
for line in range(0, len(byte_list), line_width):
print(' '*margin + ' '.join(f'{byte:02X}' for byte in byte_list[line:line+line_width]))
# ================= STRING OPERATIONS =================
def encode_string(string: str) -> bytearray:
"Turns the given string into a byte array"
return bytearray(ord(ch) for ch in string+'\0')
def decode_string(bytelist: bytearray) -> str:
"Turns the given byte array into a string"
return ''.join(chr(b) for b in bytelist)
# ================= WRITE OPERATIONS =================
def write_band(band: bytearray, byte_list: bytearray, starting_pos=0) -> bool:
"Writes a byte sequence in the given band"
for index in range(starting_pos, len(band), 8):
band[index:index+8] = (write_lsb_in_bin(band[index+i], bit) for i, bit in enumerate(split_byte_into_bits(byte_list[index//8])))
if byte_list[index//8] == 0:
return True, index+8 # finished writing
return False, index+8 # didn't finish writing, return last index
def write_image(img: Image.Image, byte_list, verbose=False):
data = [bytearray(band.tobytes()) for band in img.split()]
ok, position = write_band(data[0], byte_list)
if not ok:
ok, position = write_band(data[1], byte_list, position)
if not ok:
ok, position = write_band(data[2], byte_list, position)
if not ok:
raise ValueError("The byte sequence is too long.")
if verbose:
print(f"{position} bits, {position//8} bytes successfully written.")
return Image.merge(img.mode, [Image.frombytes('L', img.size, bytes(band)) for band in data])
def write_file(from_file: BinaryIO, to_file: BinaryIO, byte_list, verbose=False):
write_image(, byte_list, verbose=verbose).save(to_file)
# ================= READ OPERATIONS =================
def read_band(band: bytes, byte_list: bytearray) -> bool:
"Turns a sequence of pixels into a byte list"
for i in range(0, len(band), 8):
bits = [read_lsb_in_bin(b) for b in band[i:i+8]]
if all(b==0 for b in bits):
return True # finished reading
return False # didn't finish reading
def read_image(img: Image.Image, verbose=False):
"Read the whole image"
data = [band.tobytes() for band in img.split()]
byte_list = bytearray()
if read_band(data[0], byte_list):
if verbose:
print("Successfully finished reading.")
elif read_band(data[1], byte_list):
if verbose:
print("Successfully finished reading.")
print("Read the whole red band.")
elif read_band(data[1], byte_list):
if verbose:
print("Successfully finished reading.")
print("Read the whole green band.")
if verbose:
print("Read the whole blue band.")
raise ValueError("Invalid image, did not find end control sequence.")
return byte_list
def read_file(from_file: BinaryIO, verbose=False):
return read_image(, verbose=verbose)
# ================= EXAMPLE PROGRAM =================
def main():
s = "This is a string"
oldimg ='default_image.jpg')
newimg = write_image(oldimg, encode_string(s))'dissimulated.png', 'PNG')
print(f"String: --> {read_image('guitar.jpg'))} (guitar.jpg)")
print(f"String: --> {decode_string(read_image('dissimulated.png')))} (dissimulated.png)")
if __name__ == '__main__':