ajout code td passwords
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Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
import sys
from toolbox import *
# You should tweak these values during the work
nblogins = 10 # would be larger in real-life
nbpasswords = 1000000 # would be larger in real-life
nbiterations = 10 # 10000 is currently recommended, should be adapted to the usecase and changed with time (improvement of computation power), like a key size
# Part of the script to edit #
# Hint : you can call decrypt(key,data) to decrypt data using key
def crackencrypted(database):
key = readfile("enckey")[0]
crackeddb = []
for i in database:
# i[0] is the login, i[1] is the encrypted password
crackeddb.append((i[0],i[1])) # second argument should contain cleartext password
return crackeddb
# Hint : - genshahashes(passwords) returns all the hashes of passwords dictionary
# - getpassfromshahash(hashes, hash) returns the password which hashed as "hash" in hashes
def cracksha(database):
global nbpasswords
passwords = getPassDict(nbpasswords) # passwords contains a dictionary of passwords
crackeddb = []
for i in database:
# i[0] is the login, i[1] is the hashed password
crackeddb.append((i[0],i[1])) # second argument should contain cleartext password
return crackeddb
# Hint : salthash(password, salt) return the salted hash of password
def cracksaltedsha(database):
global nbpasswords
passwords = getPassDict(nbpasswords)
crackeddb = []
for i in database:
# i[0] is the login, i[1] is the hashed password, i[2] is the salt
crackeddb.append((i[0],i[1])) # second argument should contain cleartext password
return crackeddb
# Hint : pbkdf2(password, salt, nbiterations) returns the pbkdf2 of password using salt and nbiterations
def crackpbkdf2(database):
global nbpasswords
passwords = getPassDict(nbpasswords)
crackeddb = []
for i in database:
# i[0] is the login, i[1] is the hashed password, i[2] is the salt, i[3] is the iteration count
crackeddb.append((i[0],i[1])) # second argument should contain cleartext password
return crackeddb
# Nothing to change after this line ! #
if __name__ == '__main__':
# When called with init
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "init":
print("Workspace initialized in files/ subdirectory")
# Test whether init has been called before
try :
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Workspace initialized in files/ subdirectory")
# test plain DB
print("\n============\nPlain storage:")
plaindb = readfile("plain")
print("Plain DB is : " + str(plaindb))
print("Authenticating with plain DB : " + str(authplain(plaindb[0][0],plaindb[0][1],plaindb)))
#test encrypted db
print("\n============\nEncrypted storage:")
encdb = readfile("enc")
print("Encrypted DB is " + str(encdb))
print("Authenticating with encrypted DB : " + str(authencrypted(plaindb[1][0],plaindb[1][1],encdb)))
start = time.time()
crackedenc = crackencrypted(encdb)
end = time.time()
print("Time to crack encrypted DB : " + str(end-start) + " seconds")
print("Cracked encrypted DB is " + str(crackedenc))
#test SHA db
print("\n============\nSHA storage:")
shadb = readfile("sha")
print("SHA DB is " + str(shadb))
print("Authenticating with SHA DB : " + str(authsha(plaindb[0][0],plaindb[0][1],shadb)))
start = time.time()
crackedsha = cracksha(shadb)
end = time.time()
print("Time to crack SHA DB : " + str(end-start) + " seconds")
print("Cracked SHA DB is " + str(crackedsha))
#test Salted SHA db
print("\n============\nSalted SHA storage:")
saltedshadb = readfile("saltedsha")
print("Salted SHA DB is " + str(saltedshadb))
print("Authenticating with Salted SHA DB : " + str(authsaltedsha(plaindb[0][0],plaindb[0][1],saltedshadb)))
start = time.time()
crackedsaltedsha = cracksaltedsha(saltedshadb)
end = time.time()
print("Time to crack salted SHA DB : " + str(end-start) + " seconds")
print("Cracked salted SHA DB is " + str(crackedsaltedsha))
# test PBKDF2 DB
print("\n============\nPBKDF2 storage:")
pbkdf2db = readfile("pbkdf2")
print("PBKDF2 DB is " + str(pbkdf2db))
print("Authenticating with PBKDF2 DB : " + str(authpbkdf2(plaindb[0][0],plaindb[0][1],pbkdf2db)))
start = time.time()
crackedpbkdf2 = crackpbkdf2(pbkdf2db)
end = time.time()
print("Time to crack PBKDF2 DB : " + str(end-start) + " seconds")
print("Cracked PBKDF2 DB is " + str(crackedpbkdf2))
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Avoir une lib avec des briques prêtes
# Avoir un script qui crée les fichiers de password SHA/PB/etc. pour pouvoir les manipuler en texte
# TD : associer les briques pour évaluer les attaques sur un pass / une base
# mettre un « except ImportError » et ressayer avec « Cryptodome » a la place de « Crypto »
import re
import time
import random
import hashlib
# tweak to (try to) handle different crypto lib naming across systems (Linux, Mac, Win)
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto import Random
except ImportError:
from crypto.Cipher import AES
from crypto import Random
except ImportError:
from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES
from Cryptodome import Random
import base64
import os
import urllib.request
import string
# returns an array of a dictionary of passwords
def getPassDict(nbpasswords):
f = open("files/passwords.txt")
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Downloading a passwords list...")
urllib.request.urlretrieve("https://github.com/danielmiessler/SecLists/blob/master/Passwords/Common-Credentials/10-million-password-list-top-1000000.txt?raw=true", "files/passwords.txt")
print("Done !")
f = open("files/passwords.txt")
passwords = []
#nbpasswords = 10000
passtogen = nbpasswords
for password in f:
if passtogen == 0:
return passwords
def genRandomPassword():
length = 6
chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for i in range(length))
# reads/writes shadow-style files
def readfile(filename):
f = open("files/"+filename)
res = []
for line in f:
output = line.strip().split(":")
return res
def writeFile(filename, array):
f = open("files/"+filename,'w')
for line in array:
towrite = ""
for item in line:
towrite+=item + ":"
towrite = towrite[:-1]
# Plain storage
def genplain(nblogins,nbpasswords):
passwords = getPassDict(nbpasswords)
logins = []
for i in range(0,nblogins):
login = "user" + str(i)
if (random.randint(0,10) < 4):
return logins
def authplain(login, passwd, database):
for i in database:
if i[0] == login:
current = i[1]
return (current == passwd)
# Encrypted storage
def genencrypted(logins):
encdb = []
key = Random.new().read(16)
iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)
f = open("files/enckey",'wb')
#f = open("files/enciv",'wb')
for i in logins:
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CFB, iv)
enc = (base64.b64encode(cipher.encrypt(i[1].encode('utf-8')))).decode("utf-8")
return encdb
def authencrypted(login, passwd, database):
for i in database:
if i[0] == login:
current = i[1]
keyiv = readfile("enckey")[0]
key = base64.b64decode(keyiv[0])
iv = base64.b64decode(keyiv[1])
#key = base64.b64decode(readfile("enckey")[0][0])
#iv = base64.b64decode(readfile("enciv")[0][0])
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CFB, iv)
return (passwd == cipher.decrypt(base64.b64decode(current)).decode('utf-8'))
def decrypt(keyiv,data):
key = base64.b64decode(keyiv[0])
iv = base64.b64decode(keyiv[1])
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CFB, iv)
return cipher.decrypt(base64.b64decode(data)).decode('utf-8')
# SHA storage
def gensha(logins):
db = []
for i in logins:
csum = hashlib.sha256(i[1].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
return db
def authsha(login, passwd, database):
for i in database:
if i[0] == login:
current = i[1]
return (current == hashlib.sha256(passwd.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())
def genshahashes(passwords):
hashes = []
for passwd in passwords:
return hashes
def getpassfromshahash(hashes, hash):
for j in hashes:
if j[0] == hash:
return j[1]
return None
# Salted SHA storage
def gensaltedsha(logins):
db = []
for i in logins:
salt = str(random.randint(0,65535))
csum = hashlib.sha256((i[1]+salt).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
return db
def authsaltedsha(login, passwd, database):
for i in database:
if i[0] == login:
current = i[1]
salt = i[2]
return (current == hashlib.sha256((passwd+salt).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())
def salthash(password,salt):
return hashlib.sha256((password+str(salt)).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
# PBKDF2 storage
def genpbkdf2(logins,nbiterations):
db = []
for i in logins:
salt = str(random.randint(0,65535))
csum = base64.b64encode(hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256',i[1].encode('utf-8'),str(salt).encode('utf-8'),nbiterations)).decode('utf-8')
return db
def authpbkdf2(login, passwd, database):
for i in database:
if i[0] == login:
current = i[1]
salt = i[2]
nbiterations = int(i[3])
return (base64.b64decode(current) == hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256',passwd.encode('utf-8'),str(salt).encode('utf-8'),nbiterations))
def pbkdf2(password,salt,nbiterations):
nbiterations = int(nbiterations)
return base64.b64encode(hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256',password.encode('utf-8'),str(salt).encode('utf-8'),nbiterations)).decode('utf-8')
# Generate shadow-style files
def initworkspace(nblogins,nbpasswords,nbiterations):
print("Generating " + str(nblogins) + " logins and " + str(nbpasswords) + " passwords")
try :
except FileExistsError:
plaindb = genplain(nblogins,nbpasswords)
writeFile("plain", plaindb)
encdb = genencrypted(plaindb)
writeFile("enc", encdb)
shadb = gensha(plaindb)
writeFile("sha", shadb)
saltedshadb = gensaltedsha(plaindb)
writeFile("saltedsha", saltedshadb)
pbkdf2db = genpbkdf2(plaindb,nbiterations)
writeFile("pbkdf2", pbkdf2db)
# Unit tests
if __name__ == '__main__':
# create shadow files
print("======\nUnit tests of the toolbox, you must work in skeleton.py\n=========")
# test plain DB
print("\n============\nPlain storage:")
plaindb = readfile("plain")
print("Plain DB is : " + str(plaindb))
print("Authenticating with plain DB : " + str(authplain(plaindb[0][0],plaindb[0][1],plaindb)))
#test encrypted db
print("\n============\nEncrypted storage:")
encdb = readfile("enc")
print("Encrypted DB is " + str(encdb))
print("Authenticating with encrypted DB : " + str(authencrypted(plaindb[1][0],plaindb[1][1],encdb)))
#test SHA db
print("\n============\nSHA storage:")
shadb = readfile("sha")
print("SHA DB is " + str(shadb))
print("Authenticating with SHA DB : " + str(authsha(plaindb[0][0],plaindb[0][1],shadb)))
#test Salted SHA db
print("\n============\nSalted SHA storage:")
saltedshadb = readfile("saltedsha")
print("Salted SHA DB is " + str(saltedshadb))
print("Authenticating with Salted SHA DB : " + str(authsaltedsha(plaindb[0][0],plaindb[0][1],saltedshadb)))
# test PBKDF2 DB
print("\n============\nPBKDF2 storage:")
pbkdf2db = readfile("pbkdf2")
print("PBKDF2 DB is " + str(pbkdf2db))
print("Authenticating with PBKDF2 DB : " + str(authpbkdf2(plaindb[0][0],plaindb[0][1],pbkdf2db)))
print("\n======\nUnit tests of the toolbox, you must work in skeleton.py\n=========")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user