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C++ src

François 3 years ago
  1. 33
  2. 504
  3. 97
  4. 598
  5. 101
  6. 232
  7. 293
  8. 86
  9. 437
  10. 154
  11. 70
  12. 121
  13. 74
  14. 134
  15. 141


@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
// Copyright KAZ 2021 //
// //
// contact (at) //
// //
// This software is a filter to shrink email by attachment extraction. //
// //
// This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and //
// abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, //
// modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the //
// CeCILL-B license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following //
// URL "". //
// //
// As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, //
// modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided //
// only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of //
// the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited //
// liability. //
// //
// In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated //
// with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the //
// software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, //
// that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also //
// therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced //
// professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore //
// encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards //
// their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their //
// systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and //
// operate it in the same conditions as regards security. //
// //
// The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had //
// knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. //


@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
// Copyright KAZ 2021 //
// //
// contact (at) //
// //
// This software is a filter to shrink email by attachment extraction. //
// //
// This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and //
// abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, //
// modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the //
// CeCILL-B license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following //
// URL "". //
// //
// As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, //
// modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided //
// only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of //
// the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited //
// liability. //
// //
// In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated //
// with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the //
// software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, //
// that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also //
// therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced //
// professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore //
// encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards //
// their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their //
// systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and //
// operate it in the same conditions as regards security. //
// //
// The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had //
// knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. //
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include "kazDebug.hpp"
#include "kazMisc.hpp"
#include "SizeArg.hpp"
#include "Attachment.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace kaz;
// ================================================================================
const string Attachment::contentTypeToken ("content-type");
const string Attachment::contentDispositionToken ("content-disposition");
const string Attachment::contentTransferEncodingToken ("content-transfer-encoding");
const string Attachment::base64Token ("base64");
const string Attachment::quotedPrintableToken ("quoted-printable");
const string Attachment::contentIDToken ("content-id");
const string Attachment::PLAIN ("plain");
const string Attachment::HTML ("html");
const string Attachment::RELATED ("related");
const string Attachment::ALTERNATIVE ("alternative");
const regex Attachment::nameCharsetRegEx (".*name\\*=(.*)");
const regex Attachment::nameRegEx (".*name=\"([^\"]*)\".*");
const regex Attachment::boundaryRegEx (".*boundary=\"?([^\" ]*)\"?.*");
const regex Attachment::cidDefRegEx (".*<([^>]*)>.*");
const regex Attachment::textRegEx (".*text/("+PLAIN+"|"+HTML+").*");
const regex Attachment::multiRegEx ("\\s*multipart/(mixed|"+RELATED+"|"+ALTERNATIVE+").*");
const string Attachment::IMG_BEGIN ("<IMG");
const string Attachment::IMG_END (">");
static const string SRC_BEGIN ("SRC=\"");
static const string RFC822 ("message/rfc822");
// ================================================================================
Attachment::getUnknown (const string &contentType) {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::getUnknown", "contentType: " << contentType);
static time_t now (time (NULL));
static int count (0);
tm *ltm = localtime (&now);
ostringstream nameStream;
nameStream << "U-"
<< std::setfill ('0') << std::setw (2) << (ltm->tm_year-100)
<< std::setfill ('0') << std::setw (2) << (1 + ltm->tm_mon)
<< std::setfill ('0') << std::setw (2) << ltm->tm_mday
<< std::setfill ('0') << std::setw (2) << ltm->tm_hour
<< std::setfill ('0') << std::setw (2) << ltm->tm_min
<< std::setfill ('0') << std::setw (2) << ltm->tm_sec
<< "-" << count;
const string::size_type subTypePos (contentType.find ("/"));
if (subTypePos != string::npos)
nameStream << "." << contentType.substr (subTypePos+1);
LOG ("name: " << nameStream.str ());
return nameStream.str ();
// ================================================================================
Attachment::removeSection (string &content, const string &beginTag, const string &endTag) {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::removeSection", "beginTag: " << beginTag << " endTag: " << endTag);
for (string::size_type startPos (0);
(startPos = caseInsensitiveFind (content, beginTag, startPos)) != string::npos;
) {
string::size_type stopPos = caseInsensitiveFind (content, endTag, startPos);
LOG_BUG (stopPos == startPos, content.erase (startPos, endTag.length ()); continue, "eMailShrinker: bug A1: removeSection: no " << beginTag);
LOG_BUG (stopPos == string::npos, content.erase (startPos, beginTag.length ()); break, "eMailShrinker: bug A2: removeSection: no " << endTag);
LOG ("KAZ start: " << startPos << " stop: " << stopPos);
content.erase (startPos, stopPos+endTag.length ()-startPos);
// ================================================================================
Attachment::getSection (const string &content, const string &beginTag, const string &endTag) {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::getSection", "beginTag: " << beginTag << " endTag: " << endTag << " content: " << content);
vector<string> list;
getSection (content, beginTag, endTag, list);
size_t sum (0);
for (const string &s : list)
sum += s.length ();
string result;
result.reserve (sum);
for (const string &s : list)
result += s;
LOG ("result: " << result);
return result;
// ================================================================================
Attachment::getSection (const string &content, const string &beginTag, const string &endTag, vector<string> &result) {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::getSection", "beginTag: " << beginTag << " endTag: " << endTag << " content: " << content);
for (string::size_type startPos (0);
(startPos = caseInsensitiveFind (content, beginTag, startPos)) != string::npos;
) {
LOG (beginTag << ": " << startPos);
string::size_type stopPos = caseInsensitiveFind (content, endTag, startPos);
LOG_BUG (stopPos == string::npos, break, "eMailShrinker: bug A3: " << endTag << " not found! at: " << startPos);
LOG ("start: " << startPos << " stop: " << stopPos);
LOG_BUG (startPos == stopPos, /**/, "eMailShrinker: bug A4: " << endTag << " without " << beginTag << " at: " << startPos);
if (startPos != stopPos) {
startPos += beginTag.length ();
result.push_back (content.substr (startPos, stopPos-startPos));
startPos = stopPos+endTag.length ();
// ================================================================================
const string
Attachment::getContentType () const {
map<string, string>::const_iterator it (env.find (contentTypeToken));
if (it == env.end ())
return "";
const string &contentTypeVal (it->second);
const string::size_type semicolonPos = contentTypeVal.find (';');
if (semicolonPos == string::npos)
return contentTypeVal;
return contentTypeVal.substr (0, semicolonPos);
const string
Attachment::getAttachName () const {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::getAttachName", "");
string result = getProp (contentTypeToken, nameRegEx);
if (result.length ()) {
LOG ("name=: " << result);
encodedWord (result);
return result;
result = getProp (contentTypeToken, nameCharsetRegEx);
if (result.length ()) {
LOG ("name*=: " << result);
charsetValue (result);
return result;
// XXX il faut composer s'il y a plusieurs ligne filename*x=
result = getProp (contentDispositionToken, nameRegEx);
if (result.length ()) {
LOG ("filename=: " << result);
encodedWord (result);
return result;
// XXX il faut composer s'il y a plusieurs ligne filename*x*=
result = getProp (contentDispositionToken, nameRegEx);
if (result.length ()) {
LOG ("filename*=: " << result);
charsetValue (result);
return result;
return getUnknown (getContentType ());
const string &
Attachment::getBoundary () const {
return boundary;
const streamoff
Attachment::getSize () const {
return endPos-beginPos;
const string
Attachment::getProp (const string &token, const regex &regEx) const {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::getProp", "token: " << token);
map<string, string>::const_iterator it (env.find (token));
if (it == env.end ()) {
LOG ("no token");
return "";
const string &val (it->second);
LOG ("val: " << val);
if (!regex_match (val.begin (), val.end (), regEx)) {
LOG ("no prop");
return "";
return regex_replace (val, regEx, "$1");
const bool
Attachment::isBase64Encoding () const {
return isDefProp (contentTransferEncodingToken, base64Token);
const bool
Attachment::isQuotedPrintableEnconding () const {
return isDefProp (contentTransferEncodingToken, quotedPrintableToken);
const bool
Attachment::isTextBase64 () const {
return !getProp (contentTypeToken, textRegEx).empty () && isBase64Encoding ();
const bool
Attachment::isDefProp (const string &token, const string &val) const {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::getProp", "getProp token: " << token << " val: " << val);
map<string, string>::const_iterator it (env.find (token));
if (it == env.end ())
return false;
// XXX case insensitive ??
return it->second.find (val) != string::npos;
// ================================================================================
Attachment::Attachment (ifstream &mbox, const int &level, const streamoff beginInParent, streamoff &curPos)
: level (level),
beginInParent (beginInParent),
beginPos (curPos),
contentPos (0),
endPos (0),
toExtract (false),
toUpdate (false),
toDisclaim (false),
boundaryMiddleSize (0) {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::Attachment", "curPos: " << curPos << " level: " << level);
readMime (mbox, curPos);
readBoundaries (mbox, curPos);
// ================================================================================
Attachment::readMime (ifstream &mbox, streamoff &curPos) {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::readMime", "curPos: " << curPos);
string lastVar;
string line;
for (; getline (mbox, line); ) {
LOG ("pos: " << curPos << " line: " << line);
curPos += line.length () + 1;
if (line.empty ())
if (line[0] == ' ' || line[0] == '\t') {
if (lastVar.empty ()) {
LOG_BUG (true, /**/, "eMailShrinker: bug A5: not compliant MIME. pos: " << (curPos - (line.length () + 1)) << " line: " << line);
} else {
LOG ("add line to var: " << line);
env.find (lastVar)->second += line;
LOG ("new val: " << env.find (lastVar)->second);
string::size_type colonPos = line.find (':');
if (colonPos != string::npos) {
lastVar = line.substr (0, colonPos);
toLower (lastVar);
LOG ("find var: " << lastVar);
string val (line.length () >= colonPos+2 ? line.substr (colonPos+2) : ""); // XXX check RFC " " after ": "
LOG ("new var: " << lastVar << " <=> " << val);
env [lastVar] = val;
LOG ("end of mime");
contentPos = curPos;
cid = getProp (contentIDToken, cidDefRegEx);
boundary = getProp (contentTypeToken, boundaryRegEx);
LOG ("boundary: " << boundary);
if (boundary.length ()) {
boundary = "--"+boundary+"--";
boundaryMiddleSize = boundary.length () - 2;
LOG ("readMime contentPos: " << contentPos << " cid: " << cid << " boundary: " << boundary);
// ================================================================================
Attachment::readBoundaries (ifstream &mbox, streamoff &curPos) {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::readBoundaries", "curPos: " << curPos);
if (caseInsensitiveFind (getContentType (), RFC822) != string::npos) {
subAttachements.push_back (Attachment (mbox, level+1, curPos, curPos));
subAttachements.back ().endPos = curPos;
if (boundary.empty ())
for (; nextBondary (mbox, curPos); )
Attachment::nextBondary (ifstream &mbox, streamoff &curPos) {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::nextBondary", "curPos: " << curPos << " boundary: " << boundary);
bool isTextBase64 (subAttachements.size () && subAttachements.back ().isTextBase64 ());
LOG ("isTextBase64: " << isTextBase64 << " attach: " << *this);
for (string prev, line; getline (mbox, line); ) {
LOG ("curPos: " << curPos << " line: " << line);
streamoff lastPos = curPos;
curPos += line.length () + 1;
string::size_type bpos = line.find (boundary.c_str (), 0, boundaryMiddleSize);
if (bpos == string::npos) {
string clearLine (line);
if (isTextBase64)
base64Decode (clearLine);
string couple (prev+clearLine);
for (vector <string>::iterator it = stringsToUpdate.begin ();
it != stringsToUpdate.end ();
if (couple.find (*it) != string::npos) {
LOG ("find: "+ *it);
subAttachements.back ().toUpdate = true;
prev = clearLine;
LOG ("find: " << boundary);
LOG ("lastPos: " << lastPos << " bpos: " << bpos << " boundaryMiddleSize: " << boundaryMiddleSize);
if (subAttachements.size ())
subAttachements.back ().endPos = lastPos;
LOG ("line: " << line << "bpos+boundaryMiddleSize: " << (bpos+boundaryMiddleSize) << " find: " << line.find ("--", bpos+boundaryMiddleSize));
bpos += boundaryMiddleSize;
if (line.find ("--", bpos) == bpos) {
LOG ("end");
return false;
subAttachements.push_back (Attachment (mbox, level+1, lastPos, curPos));
return true;
endPos = curPos;
return false;
// ================================================================================
Attachment::markDisclaim (bool &plainMarked, bool &htmlMarked) {
if (plainMarked && htmlMarked)
string multiProp = getProp (contentTypeToken, multiRegEx);
// LOG_BUG (multiProp == ALTERNATIVE && subAttachements.size () != 2, continue, "eMailShrinker: bug A6: alternative give not 1 case (" << subAttachements.size () << ").");
if (multiProp.length ())
for (Attachment &subAttach : subAttachements)
subAttach.markDisclaim (plainMarked, htmlMarked);
string textProp = getProp (contentTypeToken, textRegEx);
if (textProp.empty ())
if (!plainMarked && textProp == PLAIN)
plainMarked = toUpdate = toDisclaim = true;
if (!htmlMarked && textProp == HTML)
htmlMarked = toUpdate = toDisclaim = true;
// ================================================================================
Attachment::markSignificant (const string &parentMultiProp, const streamoff &minAttachSize, ifstream &mbox, vector<Attachment *> &allMarkedPtrs) {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::markSignificant", "parentMultiProp: " << parentMultiProp << " minAttachSize: " << minAttachSize);
string textProp = getProp (contentTypeToken, textRegEx);
bool cantBeExtract ((parentMultiProp == ALTERNATIVE && (textProp == PLAIN || textProp == HTML)) ||
(parentMultiProp == RELATED && textProp == HTML));
string multiProp = getProp (contentTypeToken, multiRegEx);
for (Attachment &sub : subAttachements)
cantBeExtract |= sub.markSignificant (multiProp, minAttachSize, mbox, allMarkedPtrs);
if (getProp (contentTypeToken, textRegEx) == HTML) {
string content = getContent (mbox);
vector<string> imgs;
getSection (content, IMG_BEGIN, IMG_END, imgs);
EmbeddedData::fillEmbeddedData (imgs, minAttachSize, embeddedData);
if (embeddedData.size ())
toUpdate = true;
cantBeExtract |= toUpdate;
if (boundary.empty () && getSize () >= minAttachSize && !cantBeExtract)
cantBeExtract = toExtract = true; // XXX cantBeExtract ?
if (toExtract || toUpdate || toDisclaim)
allMarkedPtrs.push_back (this);
return cantBeExtract;
// ================================================================================
Attachment::getContent (ifstream &mbox) const {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::getContent", "contentPos: " << contentPos);
string content;
content.resize (endPos-contentPos);
mbox.seekg (contentPos, ios::beg); (&content[0], endPos-contentPos);
if (isBase64Encoding ())
base64Decode (content);
if (isQuotedPrintableEnconding ())
quotedDecode (content);
return content;
// ================================================================================
Attachment::println (ofstream &outbox, string content) const {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::println", "content: " << content);
if (isBase64Encoding ())
base64Encode (content);
if (isQuotedPrintableEnconding ())
quotedEncode (content);
outbox << content;
if (content.length () && content.back () != '\n')
outbox << endl;
// ================================================================================
Attachment::replaceEmbedded (string &content) const {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::replaceEmbedded", "content.length: " << content.length ());
if (!embeddedData.size ())
int imgIdx (-1);
string::size_type startPos (0);
for (const EmbeddedData &embedded : embeddedData) {
LOG ("embedded: " << embedded);
for ( ; ; ) {
startPos = caseInsensitiveFind (content, IMG_BEGIN, startPos);
LOG_BUG (startPos == string::npos, return, "eMailShrinker: bug A7: can't find " << IMG_BEGIN);
if (embedded.imgIdx >= imgIdx)
startPos += IMG_BEGIN.length ();
startPos = caseInsensitiveFind (content, SRC_BEGIN, startPos);
LOG_BUG (startPos == string::npos, return, "eMailShrinker: bug A8: can't find " << SRC_BEGIN );
startPos += SRC_BEGIN.length ();
const string::size_type endPos (content.find ("\"", startPos));
LOG_BUG (endPos == string::npos, return, "eMailShrinker: bug A9: can't find end of " << SRC_BEGIN );
content.replace (startPos, endPos-startPos, embedded.downloadUrl);
// ================================================================================
kaz::operator << (ostream& os, const Attachment& attachment) {
string prop, sep;
if (attachment.toExtract) { prop = "to extract"; sep = ", "; }
if (attachment.toUpdate) { prop += sep+"need update"; sep = ", "; }
if (attachment.toDisclaim) { prop += sep+"need diclaim"; sep = ", "; }
if (attachment.embeddedData.size ()) { prop += sep+"embeddedData"; }
if (prop.length ())
prop = " ["+prop+"]";
os << setw ((attachment.level % 20)*2) << "" << setw (10) << SizeArg (attachment.getSize ()) << " " << attachment.getContentType ()
<< prop << (attachment.cid.length () ? " id: "+attachment.cid : "")
<< (attachment.boundary.length () ? " boundary: "+attachment.boundary : "")
<< " (" << attachment.beginPos << " / " << attachment.contentPos << " / " << attachment.endPos << ") " << endl;
for (const EmbeddedData &embedded : attachment.embeddedData)
os << setw (((attachment.level+1) % 20)*2) << "" << setw (10) << SizeArg (embedded.dataLength) << " embedded [to extract] " << embedded;
for (const Attachment &sub : attachment.subAttachements) {
os << sub;
return os;
// ================================================================================


@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
// Copyright KAZ 2021 //
// //
// contact (at) //
// //
// This software is a filter to shrink email by attachment extraction. //
// //
// This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and //
// abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, //
// modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the //
// CeCILL-B license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following //
// URL "". //
// //
// As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, //
// modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided //
// only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of //
// the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited //
// liability. //
// //
// In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated //
// with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the //
// software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, //
// that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also //
// therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced //
// professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore //
// encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards //
// their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their //
// systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and //
// operate it in the same conditions as regards security. //
// //
// The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had //
// knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. //
#include "kazDebug.hpp"
#include "kazMisc.hpp"
#include "EmbeddedData.hpp"
#include "Attachment.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace kaz;
// ================================================================================
static const string EMBEDDED_TAG ("SRC=\"DATA:");
// ================================================================================
EmbeddedData::EmbeddedData (const int &imgIdx, const string &contentType, const string &name, const string::size_type &startData, const string::size_type &dataLength)
: imgIdx (imgIdx),
contentType (contentType),
name (name),
startData (startData),
dataLength (dataLength) {
DEF_LOG ("EmbeddedData::EmbeddedData", "imgIdx: " << imgIdx << " contentType:" << contentType << " name:" << name << " startData:" << startData << " dataLength:" << dataLength);
// ================================================================================
EmbeddedData::fillEmbeddedData (const vector<string> &imgs, const streamoff &minAttachSize, vector<EmbeddedData> &data) {
DEF_LOG ("EmbeddedData::fillEmbeddedData", "imgs.size: " << imgs.size () << " minAttachSize:" << minAttachSize << " data.size:" << data.size ());
int imgIdx (-1);
for (const string &img : imgs) {
if (streamoff (img.length ()) < minAttachSize)
string::size_type startPos (caseInsensitiveFind (img, EMBEDDED_TAG));
if (startPos == string::npos)
startPos += EMBEDDED_TAG.length ();
// XXX check base64 ?
string::size_type endPos = img.find_first_of (";,", startPos);
LOG_BUG (endPos == string::npos, continue, "eMailShrinker: bug E1: can't find end of contentType" );
const string contentType (img.substr (startPos, endPos-startPos));
const string name (Attachment::getUnknown (contentType));
startPos = img.find (',', startPos);
LOG_BUG (startPos == string::npos, continue, "eMailShrinker: bug E2: can't find start data" );
endPos = img.find ('"', startPos);
data.push_back (EmbeddedData (imgIdx, contentType, name, startPos, endPos-startPos));
// ================================================================================
kaz::operator << (ostream& os, const EmbeddedData& embeddedData) {
os << embeddedData.imgIdx << ": "
<< embeddedData.contentType << " - " <<
<< " (" << embeddedData.startData << " / " << embeddedData.dataLength << ") "
<< embeddedData.downloadUrl << " - " << embeddedData.downloadId
<< endl;
return os;
// ================================================================================


@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
// Copyright KAZ 2021 //
// //
// contact (at) //
// //
// This software is a filter to shrink email by attachment extraction. //
// //
// This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and //
// abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, //
// modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the //
// CeCILL-B license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following //
// URL "". //
// //
// As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, //
// modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided //
// only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of //
// the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited //
// liability. //
// //
// In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated //
// with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the //
// software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, //
// that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also //
// therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced //
// professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore //
// encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards //
// their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their //
// systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and //
// operate it in the same conditions as regards security. //
// //
// The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had //
// knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. //
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "kazDebug.hpp"
#include "kazMisc.hpp"
#include "SizeArg.hpp"
#include "Attachment.hpp"
#include "MainAttachment.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace kaz;
static const string KAZ_WEB_SITE = "";
static const string TMPL_DOWNLOAD = "{{DOWNLOAD}}";
static const string TMPL_FILENAME = "{{FILENAME}}";
static const string CID = "cid:";
static const string KAZ_PLAIN_HR = "______________________________________________________________________________";
static const string KAZ_PLAIN_START = "~~ PJ-KAZ !"; // don't end whith space
static const string KAZ_PLAIN_STOP = KAZ_PLAIN_START+" ~~";
static const string KAZ_PLAIN_DONT_TOUCH = "(concervez cette partie intacte dans votre réponse si vous voulez transmettre les documents précédents)";
static const string KAZ_PLAIN_WARNING = "Attention : Kaz a dépollué ce message. Les pièces jointes ont été retirées et placées dans un dépôt provisoire. Elles seront automatiquement supprimées dans 1 mois. Si elles sont importantes et que vous souhaitez les conserver, vous devez utiliser les liens ci-dessous. Pour mieux comprendre la politique de nos services visitez";
static const string KAZ_PLAIN_DOWLOAD_ONE = "Vos pièces jointes sont à télécharger individuellement ici :";
static const string KAZ_PLAIN_DOWLOAD_OTHER = "(Contenu dans des messages précédents)";
static const string KAZ_PLAIN_DOWLOAD_ALL = "Vous pouvez télécharger l'ensemble dans une archive là :";
static const string HEAD = "<head>";
static const string HEAD_END = "</head>";
static const string KAZ_CSS_URL = "";
static const string KAZ_CSS = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" charset=\"utf-8\" href=\""+KAZ_CSS_URL+"\"/>";
static const string A_END = "</a>";
static const string LI_BEGIN = "<li";
static const string CLASS_ONE = "class=\"one\"";
static const string LI_ONE = LI_BEGIN+" "+CLASS_ONE+">";
static const string LI_ALL = LI_BEGIN+" class=\"all\">";
static const string LI_END = "</li>";
static const string HREF_ONE = "href=\"";
static const string BODY_END = "</body>";
static const string HTML_END = "</html>";
static const string KAZ_HTML_TAG = "<!--KAZ"; // don't end whith space
static const string KAZ_HTML_START = KAZ_HTML_TAG+" START-->";
static const string KAZ_HTML_STOP = KAZ_HTML_TAG+" STOP-->";
// Textes précédents encodés en SGML
static const string KAZ_HTML_DONT_TOUCH = "(concervez cette partie intacte dans votre r&eacute;ponse si vous voulez transmettre les documents pr&eacute;c&eacute;dents)";
static const string KAZ_HTML_DOWLOAD_ONE = "Vos pi&egrave;ces jointes sont &agrave; t&eacute;l&eacute;charger individuellement ici :";
static const string KAZ_HTML_DOWLOAD_OTHER = "(Contenu dans des messages pr&eacute;c&eacute;dents)";
static const string KAZ_HTML_DOWLOAD_ALL = "Vous pouvez t&eacute;l&eacute;charger l'ensemble dans une archive l&agrave; :";
static const string KAZ_HTML_ARCHIVE = "archive";
// ================================================================================
vector <string>
Attachment::stringsToUpdate ({KAZ_PLAIN_START, "\""+CID});
// ================================================================================
const string MainAttachment::templatePlainAddLink (" - "+TMPL_DOWNLOAD+" "+TMPL_FILENAME+"\n");
const string MainAttachment::templatePlainAllLink ("\n"+KAZ_PLAIN_DOWLOAD_ALL+"\n * "+TMPL_DOWNLOAD+"\n");
const string MainAttachment::templateHtmlHeader (KAZ_HTML_START+"<p style=\"clear: left; padding: 1pc 0 0 0; font-size:10px; color:#969696;\">"+KAZ_PLAIN_START+"</p><hr>\n"
"<div class=\"kaz\">"
"<p style=\"font-size:10px; color:#969696;\">"+KAZ_HTML_DONT_TOUCH+"</p>\n"
const string MainAttachment::templateHtmlAddLink (LI_ONE+"<a "+HREF_ONE+TMPL_DOWNLOAD+"\">"+TMPL_FILENAME+"</a>"+LI_END+"\n");
const string MainAttachment::templateHtmlOtherLink ("</ul>"+KAZ_HTML_DOWLOAD_OTHER+"<ul>\n");
const string MainAttachment::templateHtmlAllLink ("</ul><ul>"+LI_ALL+KAZ_HTML_DOWLOAD_ALL+" <a href=\""+TMPL_DOWNLOAD+"\">"+KAZ_HTML_ARCHIVE+"</a>"+LI_END+"\n");
const string MainAttachment::templateHtmlFooter ("</ul></p>\n"
"<p class=\"msg\"><a class=\"kaz\" href=\""+KAZ_WEB_SITE+"\"> "+KAZ_WEB_SITE+" </a></p></div>\n"
"<hr><p style=\"font-size:10px; color:#969696;\">"+KAZ_PLAIN_STOP+"</p>"+KAZ_HTML_STOP+"\n");
const regex MainAttachment::whiteSpaceRegEx ("\\s+");
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::copy (ifstream &mbox, ofstream &outbox, const streamoff &begin, const streamoff &end) {
DEF_LOG ("MainAttachment::copy", "begin: " << begin << " end: " << end);
mbox.seekg (begin, ios::beg);
char c;
for (streamoff pos (begin); pos < end; ++pos) {
mbox.get (c);
outbox.put (c);
outbox.flush ();
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::fillUrlId (string &url, string &id) {
DEF_LOG ("MainAttachment::fillUrlId", "");
url = id = "";
string urlId;
getline (cin, urlId);
LOG ("get URL: " << urlId);
vector<string> urlIdVect { sregex_token_iterator (urlId.begin(), urlId.end (), whiteSpaceRegEx, -1), {} };
if (urlIdVect [0].empty ())
url = urlIdVect [0];
if (urlIdVect.size () > 1)
id = urlIdVect [1];
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::setExtractDir (const bfs::path &extractDir) {
if (extractDir.empty ())
throw invalid_argument ("no tmp dir");
this->extractDir = extractDir;
if (! is_directory (extractDir))
bfs::create_directory (extractDir);
MainAttachment::setArchiveDownloadURL (const string &archiveDownloadURL) {
this->archiveDownloadURL = archiveDownloadURL;
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::addLink (string &plain, string &html, const string &url, const string &name) const {
string plainNewOneLink (templatePlainAddLink);
replaceAll (plainNewOneLink, TMPL_DOWNLOAD, url);
replaceAll (plainNewOneLink, TMPL_FILENAME, name);
plain += plainNewOneLink;
string htmlNewOneLink (templateHtmlAddLink);
string codedUrl (url);
replaceAll (codedUrl, "&", "&amp;");
replaceAll (htmlNewOneLink, TMPL_DOWNLOAD, codedUrl);
replaceAll (htmlNewOneLink, TMPL_FILENAME, name);
html += htmlNewOneLink;
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::getDisclaim (string &plain, string &html) const {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::getDisclaim", "");
plain = html = "";
int linkCount (0);
string allId;
string plainNewLinks, htmlNewLinks;
for (Attachment *attachP : allMarkedPtrs) {
if (!attachP->toExtract)
addLink (plainNewLinks, htmlNewLinks, attachP->downloadUrl, attachP->getAttachName ());
allId += attachP->downloadId;
// if (previousLinks [attachP->downloadUrl] != previousLinks.end ())
// // impossible puisque le lien est toujours nouveau
// previousLinks.erase (attachP->downloadUrl);
for (Attachment *attachP : allMarkedPtrs) {
if (!attachP->embeddedData.size ())
for (EmbeddedData &embedded : attachP->embeddedData) {
addLink (plainNewLinks, htmlNewLinks, embedded.downloadUrl,;
allId += embedded.downloadId;
LOG ("allId:" << allId);
string plainOldLinks, htmlOldLinks;
for (map <string, string>::const_iterator it = previousLinks.begin (); it != previousLinks.end (); ++it)
addLink (plainOldLinks, htmlOldLinks, it->first, it->second);
linkCount += previousLinks.size ();
if (! linkCount) {
LOG ("no attach");
html = templateHtmlHeader+htmlNewLinks;
if (previousLinks.size ()) {
plain += KAZ_PLAIN_DOWLOAD_OTHER+"\n"+plainOldLinks;
html += templateHtmlOtherLink+htmlOldLinks;
if (linkCount > 1 && archiveDownloadURL.length ()) {
string allPlainLinks (templatePlainAllLink);
replaceAll (allPlainLinks, TMPL_DOWNLOAD, archiveDownloadURL+allId);
plain += allPlainLinks;
string allLinks (templateHtmlAllLink);
// allId => & => &amp; done
replaceAll (allLinks, TMPL_DOWNLOAD, archiveDownloadURL+allId);
html += allLinks;
html += templateHtmlFooter;
plain += "\n\n"+KAZ_WEB_SITE+"\n"+KAZ_PLAIN_HR+"\n"+KAZ_PLAIN_STOP+"\n";
// & => &amp; done
LOG ("plain: " << plain);
LOG ("html: " << html);
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::addPrevious (const string &href, const string &name) {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::addPrevious", "href: " << href << " name: " << name);
const string oldVal = previousLinks [href];
if (name.empty ())
previousLinks.erase (href);
previousLinks [href] = name;
LOG ("inserted: " << href << ": " << previousLinks[href]);
MainAttachment::extractLinks (const string &extractedPlainKAZ) {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::extractedPlainKAZ", "extractedPlainKAZ: " << extractedPlainKAZ);
for (string::size_type startPos (0);
(startPos = extractedPlainKAZ.find ("http", startPos)) != string::npos;
) {
streamoff stopPos = startPos;
while (extractedPlainKAZ [stopPos] && availableURLChars.find (extractedPlainKAZ [stopPos]) != string::npos)
const string href (extractedPlainKAZ.substr (startPos, stopPos-startPos));
LOG ("plain href: " << href);
if (extractedPlainKAZ [stopPos] && extractedPlainKAZ [stopPos] != '\n')
startPos = stopPos;
// get all href but KAZ_WEB_SITE
// the archive link while be skip by
if (href == KAZ_WEB_SITE)
while (extractedPlainKAZ [stopPos] && extractedPlainKAZ [stopPos] != '\n')
const string name (extractedPlainKAZ.substr (startPos, stopPos-startPos));
LOG ("plain name: " << name);
addPrevious (href, name);
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::extractLinks (const vector<string> &liOne) {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::extractedPlainKAZ", "liOne.size: " << liOne.size ());
for (const string &one : liOne) {
if (caseInsensitiveFind (one, CLASS_ONE) == string::npos)
string::size_type startPos = caseInsensitiveFind (one, HREF_ONE);
LOG_BUG (startPos == string::npos, continue, "eMailShrinker: bug M1: no href KAZ link. (one: " << one << ")");
startPos += HREF_ONE.length ();
LOG ("startPos: " << startPos);
string::size_type stopPos = one.find ("\"", startPos);
LOG_BUG (stopPos == string::npos, break, "eMailShrinker: bug M2: no ending href KAZ link. (one: " << one << ")");
LOG ("stopPos: " << stopPos);
string href (one.substr (startPos, stopPos-startPos));
LOG ("html href: " << href);
stopPos = one.find (">", startPos);
LOG_BUG (one [stopPos] != '>', break, "eMailShrinker: bug M3: no ending href KAZ link. (one: " << one << ")");
startPos = stopPos;
LOG ("startPos: " << startPos);
stopPos = caseInsensitiveFind (one, A_END, startPos);
LOG ("stopPos: " << stopPos);
LOG_BUG (stopPos == string::npos, break, "eMailShrinker: bug M4: no ending anchor KAZ link. (one: " << one << ")");
string name (one.substr (startPos, stopPos-startPos));
LOG ("html name: " << name);
addPrevious (href, name);
MainAttachment::extractPreviousKAZ (ifstream &mbox) {
DEF_LOG ("MainAttachment::extractPreviousKAZ", "");
string extractedPlainKAZ, extractedHtmlKAZ;
for (const Attachment *attachP : allMarkedPtrs) {
if (!attachP->toUpdate || isBase64Encoding ())
string textProp = attachP->getProp (contentTypeToken, textRegEx);
if (textProp.empty ())
string content (attachP->getContent (mbox));
if (textProp == PLAIN) {
extractedPlainKAZ += attachP->getSection (content, KAZ_PLAIN_START, KAZ_PLAIN_STOP);
if (textProp == HTML) {
string section = attachP->getSection (content, KAZ_HTML_START, KAZ_HTML_STOP);
section += attachP->getSection (content, KAZ_PLAIN_START, KAZ_PLAIN_STOP);
// update href from HTML attachments
replaceAll (section, "&amp;", "&");
extractedHtmlKAZ += section;
LOG ("extractedPlainKAZ: "<< extractedPlainKAZ);
extractLinks (extractedPlainKAZ);
LOG ("extractedHtmlKAZ: "<< extractedHtmlKAZ);
vector<string> liOne;
getSection (extractedHtmlKAZ, LI_BEGIN, LI_END, liOne);
extractLinks (liOne);
for (map <string, string>::const_iterator it = previousLinks.begin (); it != previousLinks.end (); ++it)
LOG ("oldLink link: " << it->first << " name: " << it->second);
MainAttachment::removePreviousArchive () {
vector<string> toRemove;
for (map <string, string>::const_iterator it = previousLinks.begin (); it != previousLinks.end (); ++it)
if (it->first.find ("&l=/") != string::npos)
toRemove.push_back (it->first);
for (string old : toRemove)
previousLinks.erase (old);
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::MainAttachment (ifstream &mbox)
: Attachment (mbox, initTmpLevel (), 0, initTmpPos ()) {
DEF_LOG ("MainAttachment::MainAttachment", "");
string line;
for (; getline (mbox, line); )
tmpPos += line.length () + 1;
endPos = tmpPos;
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::markSignificant (const streamoff &minAttachSize, ifstream &mbox) {
DEF_LOG ("MainAttachment::markSignificant", "minAttachSize: " << minAttachSize);
bool plainMarked (false), htmlMarked (false);
markDisclaim (plainMarked, htmlMarked);
Attachment::markSignificant ("", minAttachSize, mbox, allMarkedPtrs);
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::getUpdatedURL (ifstream &mbox) {
DEF_LOG ("MainAttachment::getUpdatedURL", "");
extractPreviousKAZ (mbox);
for (map <string, string>::iterator it = previousLinks.begin (); it != previousLinks.end (); ++it)
cout << it->first << endl;
MainAttachment::newPjEntry (const int &attachCount, const string &contentType, const string &name, string &dirName, string &mediaName) const {
DEF_LOG ("MainAttachment::newPjEntry", "attachCount: " << attachCount << " contentType: " << contentType << " name: " << name);
ostringstream dirNameStream;
dirNameStream << "PJ-" << std::setfill ('0') << std::setw (3) << int (attachCount);
dirName = dirNameStream.str ();
bfs::path dirPath (extractDir / dirName);
bfs::create_directory (dirPath);
bfs::path metaPath (dirPath / "meta");
ofstream metaOut (metaPath.c_str ());
<< "Content-Type: " << contentType << endl
<< "Name: " << name << endl;
metaOut.flush ();
metaOut.close ();
bfs::path filePath (dirPath / "media");
mediaName = filePath.c_str ();
dirName = dirPath.c_str ();
LOG ("dirName: " << dirName << " mediaName: " << mediaName);
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::extract (ifstream &mbox, const SizeArg &minSize) const {
DEF_LOG ("MainAttachment::extract", "minSize: " << minSize);
int attachCount (0);
string dirName, mediaName;
for (Attachment *attachP : allMarkedPtrs) {
if (!attachP->toExtract)
newPjEntry (attachCount, attachP->getContentType (), attachP->getAttachName (), dirName, mediaName);
ofstream out (mediaName);
start (attachP->Attachment::contentPos),
end (attachP->Attachment::endPos+1); // pour assurer le cas sans ^M
mbox.seekg (start, ios::beg);
if (attachP->isBase64Encoding ()) {
unsigned char buff[4];
int idx = 0;
char c;
for (streamoff curPos (start); mbox.get (c) && curPos < end; ++curPos) {
if (c == '=')
if (!isBase64 (c))
buff [idx] = getBase64Val (c);
if (++idx != 4)
out.put (buff [0] << 2 | (buff [1] & 0x30) >> 4);
out.put (buff [1] << 4 | (buff [2] & 0x3c) >> 2);
out.put (buff [2] << 6 | buff [3]);
idx = 0;
if (idx) {
for (int j = idx; j < 4; ++j)
buff [j] = 0;
out.put (buff [0] << 2 | (buff [1] & 0x30) >> 4);
if (idx)
out.put (buff [1] << 4 | (buff [2] & 0x3c) >> 2);
} else {
string line;
for (streamoff curPos (start); getline (mbox, line); ) {
curPos += line.length () + 1;
if (curPos >= end) {
out << line.substr (0, end + line.length () - curPos) << endl;
out << line << endl;
out.flush ();
out.close ();
cout << dirName << endl;
for (Attachment *attachP : allMarkedPtrs) {
if (!attachP->embeddedData.size ())
string content = attachP->getContent (mbox);
vector<string> imgs;
getSection (content, IMG_BEGIN, IMG_END, imgs);
for (const EmbeddedData &embedded : attachP->embeddedData) {
string &img (imgs[embedded.imgIdx]);
img.erase (0, embedded.startData);
img.erase (embedded.dataLength);
base64Decode (img);
newPjEntry (attachCount, embedded.contentType,, dirName, mediaName);
ofstream out (mediaName);
out.write (img.c_str (), img.size ());
out.flush ();
out.close ();
cout << dirName << endl;
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::substitute (ifstream &mbox, ofstream &outbox, const SizeArg &minSize) {
DEF_LOG ("MainAttachment::substitute", "minSize: " << minSize);
// preparation
extractPreviousKAZ (mbox);
removePreviousArchive ();
map<const string, const string> translateHtml;
for (Attachment *attachP : allMarkedPtrs)
if (attachP->toExtract) {
fillUrlId (attachP->downloadUrl, attachP->downloadId);
if (attachP->downloadUrl.empty ()) {
LOG ("no change");
attachP->toExtract = false;
if (attachP->cid.length ()) {
string tmp (attachP->downloadUrl);
replaceAll (tmp, "&", "&amp;");
translateHtml.insert (pair<const string, const string> (CID+attachP->cid, tmp));
for (Attachment *attachP : allMarkedPtrs) {
if (!attachP->embeddedData.size ())
for (EmbeddedData &embedded : attachP->embeddedData)
fillUrlId (embedded.downloadUrl, embedded.downloadId);
string plainDisclaim, htmlDisclaim;
getDisclaim (plainDisclaim, htmlDisclaim);
// copy email
streamoff curPos = 0;
for (Attachment *attachP : allMarkedPtrs) {
copy (mbox, outbox, curPos, attachP->beginInParent);
LOG_BUG (attachP->toUpdate && attachP->toExtract, /**/, "eMailShrinker: bug M5: update and extract. pos: " << attachP->beginPos);
if (attachP->toExtract) {
LOG ("skip Extracted");
} else if (attachP->toUpdate) {
string textProp = attachP->getProp (contentTypeToken, textRegEx);
bool isPlain = textProp == PLAIN;
bool isHtml = textProp == HTML;
bool isDisclaimer = attachP->toDisclaim;
LOG_BUG (isPlain && isHtml, /**/, "eMailShrinker: bug M6: plain and html: " << attachP->getContentType ());
LOG_BUG (! (isPlain || isHtml), /**/, "eMailShrinker: bug M7: not plain or html: " << attachP->getContentType ());
LOG ("toUpdate: isPlain: " << isPlain << " isHtml: " << isHtml << " isDisclaimer: " << isDisclaimer);
copy (mbox, outbox, attachP->beginInParent, attachP->contentPos);
string content = attachP->getContent (mbox);
if (isHtml) {
string::size_type headStart (caseInsensitiveFind (content, HEAD));
LOG ("HEAD start: " << headStart);
if (headStart != string::npos) {
headStart += HEAD.length ();
string::size_type headStop (caseInsensitiveFind (content, HEAD_END, headStart));
if (headStop != string::npos) {
// to reduce the scoop of search
string oldHead (content.substr (headStart, headStop-headStart));
LOG ("HEAD start: " << headStart << " stop: " << headStop << " old: " << oldHead);
string::size_type oldCssPos (oldHead.find (KAZ_CSS_URL));
if (oldCssPos != string::npos) {
string::size_type oldStart (oldHead.rfind ('<', oldCssPos));
string::size_type oldStop (oldHead.find ('>', oldCssPos));
if (oldStart != string::npos && oldStop != string::npos) {
if (oldStop < oldHead.length () && oldHead [oldStop] == '\n')
content.erase (headStart+oldStart, oldStop-oldStart);
content.insert (headStart, "\n"+KAZ_CSS);
// else XXX pas de /head (if faut en ajouter un (avec <html> ?))
removeSection (content, KAZ_HTML_START, KAZ_HTML_STOP);
removeSection (content, KAZ_PLAIN_START, KAZ_PLAIN_STOP);
// XXX case insensitive ??
if (content.find (CID) != string::npos)
replaceAll (content, translateHtml);
attachP->replaceEmbedded (content);
if (isPlain)
removeSection (content, KAZ_PLAIN_START, KAZ_PLAIN_STOP);
if (isDisclaimer) {
if (isHtml) {
for (string endTag : {BODY_END, HTML_END}) {
LOG ("try tag: " << endTag);
string::size_type endTagStart = caseInsensitiveRFind (content, endTag);
if (endTagStart != string::npos) {
content = content.substr (0, endTagStart);
LOG ("remove tag: " << endTag << " content: " << content);
content += htmlDisclaim+BODY_END+HTML_END;
LOG ("content: " << content);
if (isPlain)
content += plainDisclaim;
attachP->println (outbox, content);
} else {
LOG_BUG (true, continue, "eMailShrinker: bug M8: can't change" << *attachP);
outbox.flush ();
curPos = attachP->endPos;
copy (mbox, outbox, curPos, endPos);
outbox.close ();
// ================================================================================


@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
// Copyright KAZ 2021 //
// //
// contact (at) //
// //
// This software is a filter to shrink email by attachment extraction. //
// //
// This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and //
// abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, //
// modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the //
// CeCILL-B license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following //
// URL "". //
// //
// As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, //
// modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided //
// only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of //
// the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited //
// liability. //
// //
// In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated //
// with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the //
// software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, //
// that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also //
// therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced //
// professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore //
// encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards //
// their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their //
// systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and //
// operate it in the same conditions as regards security. //
// //
// The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had //
// knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. //
#include <regex>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include "kazDebug.hpp"
#include "SizeArg.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace kaz;
// ================================================================================
SizeArg::SizeArg (const size_t &bytes)
: bytes (bytes) {
SizeArg::SizeArg (const string &option)
: bytes (0) {
init (option);
SizeArg::init (const string &token) {
DEF_LOG ("SizeArg::init", "token: " << token);
static const string prefix ("KMGTPEZY");
static const regex formatRegEx ("([0-9]+) *([k"+prefix+"]?)(i?)");
if (!regex_match (token.begin (), token.end (), formatRegEx))
throw invalid_argument ("Bad size");
bytes = boost::lexical_cast<uint64_t> (regex_replace (token, formatRegEx, "$1"));
const string v2 (regex_replace (token, formatRegEx, "$2"));
size_t index = prefix.find (v2);
if (v2.length ()) {
if (index == string::npos)
index = 0; // "k" case
bytes *= pow (regex_replace (token, formatRegEx, "$3").empty () ? 1000 : 1024, index);
LOG ("token:" << token << " index:" << index << " v2:<" << v2 << ">" << " b:" << bytes);
// ================================================================================
ostream &
kaz::operator << (ostream &out, const SizeArg &sizeArg) {
static string sizes [] = {"", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi", "Yi"};
if (!sizeArg.bytes)
return out << "0 byte";
int nbBytes = (int) floor (log (sizeArg.bytes) / log (1024));
double val ((sizeArg.bytes / pow (1024, nbBytes)));
return out << boost::str (boost::format(nbBytes ? "%.2f " : val == 1 ? "%.0f byte" : + "%.0f bytes") % val) + sizes [nbBytes];
istream &
kaz::operator >> (istream &in, SizeArg &sizeArg) {
string token;
in >> token;
try {
sizeArg.init (token);
} catch (...) {
in.setstate (ios_base::failbit);
return in;
// ================================================================================


@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
// Copyright KAZ 2021 //
// //
// contact (at) //
// //
// This software is a filter to shrink email by attachment extraction. //
// //
// This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and //
// abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, //
// modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the //
// CeCILL-B license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following //
// URL "". //
// //
// As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, //
// modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided //
// only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of //
// the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited //
// liability. //
// //
// In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated //
// with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the //
// software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, //
// that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also //
// therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced //
// professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore //
// encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards //
// their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their //
// systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and //
// operate it in the same conditions as regards security. //
// //
// The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had //
// knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. //
#define LAST_VERSION "eMailShrinker 1.3 2021-04-04"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <chrono>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include "kazDebug.hpp"
#include "kazMisc.hpp"
#include "SizeArg.hpp"
#include "MainAttachment.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
using namespace boost::program_options;
using namespace kaz;
// ================================================================================
static options_description mainDescription ("Main options", getCols ());
static options_description hide ("Hidded options", getCols ());
static char *prog = NULL;
// ================================================================================
usage (const string &msg = "", const bool &hidden = false) {
if (!msg.empty ()) {
cout << msg << endl;
exit (1);
cout << endl
<< "Usage: " << endl
<< " A) " << prog << " -u mbox > url-list" << endl
<< " B) " << prog << " [-s size] [-d dirName}] mbox > file-list" << endl
<< " C) " << prog << " [-s size] [-a url] mbox altered-mbox < url-list" << endl
<< endl << " filter attachments" << endl << endl
<< " A: list previous embded url need to be refresh (no added option)" << endl
<< " => downloadURL list" << endl
<< " B: attachment extraction (options : s, d)" << endl
<< " => list of (filename)" << endl
<< " C: attachment replace with url (options : s) " << endl
<< " <= list of (downloadURL [id])" << endl
<< endl << mainDescription
<< endl;
if (hidden)
cout << hide << endl;
exit (0);
version () {
cout << LAST_VERSION << " KAZ team production (" << endl;
exit (0);
static auto startPrg = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now ();
showTime (string msg) {
using namespace std::chrono;
static auto stopPrg = high_resolution_clock::now ();
cerr << msg << " done in " << ns2string (duration_cast<duration<double> > (stopPrg-startPrg).count ()) << endl;
// ================================================================================
static const string inputFile = "input-file";
static const char *const inputFileC = inputFile.c_str ();
main (int argc, char** argv) {
// XXX debug before parse options
// Log::debug = true;
DEF_LOG ("main:", "");
prog = argv [0];
debugFlag (false),
helpFlag (false),
versionFlag (false),
updateListFlag (false),
useTheForceLuke (false),
listFlag (false);
string inputName, outputName, archiveDownloadURL;
bfs::path extractDir (bfs::temp_directory_path ());
SizeArg minAttachSize ("48 Ki");
try {
mainDescription.add_options ()
("help,h", bool_switch (&helpFlag), "produce this help message")
("version,v", bool_switch (&versionFlag), "display version information")
("size,s", value<SizeArg> (&minAttachSize)->default_value (minAttachSize), "minimum size for extration")
("updateList,u", bool_switch (&updateListFlag), "list URL need refresh")
("extractDir,d", value<bfs::path> (&extractDir)->default_value (extractDir), "set tmp directory name for extraction")
("archiveDownloadURL,a", value<string> (&archiveDownloadURL)->default_value (archiveDownloadURL), "set url root web site to get bundle (like")
hide.add_options ()
("useTheForceLuke", bool_switch (&useTheForceLuke), "display hidded options")
("list,l", bool_switch (&listFlag), "get attachment list")
("debug,g", bool_switch (&debugFlag), "debug mode")
options_description cmd ("All options");
cmd.add (mainDescription).add (hide).add_options ()
(inputFileC, value<vector<string> > (), "input")
positional_options_description p;
p.add (inputFileC, -1);
variables_map vm;
basic_parsed_options<char> parsed = command_line_parser (argc, argv).options (cmd).positional (p).run ();
store (parsed, vm);
notify (vm);
if (debugFlag) {
cerr << "No debug option available (was compiled with -DDISABLE_LOG)" << endl;
Log::debug = debugFlag;
if (useTheForceLuke)
usage ("", true);
if (versionFlag)
version ();
if (helpFlag)
usage ();
if (vm.count (inputFileC)) {
vector<string> var = vm[inputFileC].as<vector<string> > ();
int nbArgs = vm[inputFileC].as<vector<string> > ().size ();
if (!nbArgs)
usage ("No input file(s)");
inputName = var [0];
if (nbArgs > 1)
outputName = var [1];
if (nbArgs > 2)
usage ("Too much arguments");
} catch (std::exception &e) {
cerr << "error: " << e.what() << endl;
usage ();
return 1;
} catch (...) {
cerr << "Exception of unknown type!" << endl;
return 1;
LOG ("minAttachSize: " << minAttachSize);
if (inputName.empty ())
usage ("no input file");
// input mbox file
ifstream mbox (inputName);
MainAttachment attachment (mbox);
mbox.close ();
if (attachment.getBoundary ().empty ()) {
cerr << "no attachment" << endl;
return 1;
// parse structure (inputName);
attachment.markSignificant (minAttachSize, mbox);
mbox.close ();
if (listFlag)
// debug
cerr << attachment;
if (updateListFlag) {
// update (inputName);
attachment.getUpdatedURL (mbox);
showTime ("Find old links");
return 0;
if (outputName.empty ()) {
// extract
attachment.setExtractDir (extractDir); (inputName);
attachment.extract (mbox, minAttachSize);
showTime ("Extraction");
return 0;
// substitute
if (archiveDownloadURL.length ())
attachment.setArchiveDownloadURL (archiveDownloadURL); (inputName);
ofstream outbox (outputName);
attachment.substitute (mbox, outbox, minAttachSize);
showTime ("Substitution");
return 0;
// ================================================================================


@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
// Copyright KAZ 2021 //
// //
// contact (at) //
// //
// This software is a filter to shrink email by attachment extraction. //
// //
// This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and //
// abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, //
// modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the //
// CeCILL-B license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following //
// URL "". //
// //
// As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, //
// modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided //
// only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of //
// the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited //
// liability. //
// //
// In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated //
// with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the //
// software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, //
// that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also //
// therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced //
// professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore //
// encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards //
// their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their //
// systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and //
// operate it in the same conditions as regards security. //
// //
// The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had //
// knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. //
#define LAST_VERSION "1.0 2021-02-21 jirafeauAPI"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include "kazDebug.hpp"
#include "kazMisc.hpp"
#include "SizeArg.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
using namespace boost::program_options;
using namespace kaz;
namespace bfs = boost::filesystem;
// ================================================================================
static options_description mainDescription ("Main options", getCols ());
static options_description hide ("Hidded options", getCols ());
static char *prog = NULL;
// ================================================================================
usage (const string &msg = "", const bool &hidden = false) {
if (!msg.empty ()) {
cout << msg << endl;
exit (1);
cout << endl
<< "Usage: " << endl
<< " A) " << prog << " [-s size] [-t period] [-c content-type] [-n attachName] [-f server] send file [password] > url,delCode" << endl
<< " B) " << prog << " [-t period] [-f server] update ref > dealine" << endl
<< endl << " store ficle" << endl << endl
<< " A: send file (options : s, t)" << endl
<< " B: update deadline (options : t) " << endl
<< endl << mainDescription
<< endl;
if (hidden)
cout << hide << endl;
exit (0);
version () {
cout << LAST_VERSION << " KAZ team production (" << endl;
exit (0);
static auto startPrg = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now ();
showTime (string msg) {
using namespace std::chrono;
static auto stopPrg = high_resolution_clock::now ();
cerr << msg << " done in " << ns2string (duration_cast<duration<double> > (stopPrg-startPrg).count ()) << endl;
// ================================================================================
static size_t
WriteCallback (void *contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp) {
((std::string*) userp)->append ((char*) contents, size * nmemb);
return size * nmemb;
// ================================================================================
static const string inputFile = "input-file";
static const char *const inputFileC = inputFile.c_str ();
main (int argc, char** argv) {
// XXX debug before parse options
// Log::debug = true;
DEF_LOG ("main:", "");
prog = argv [0];
debugFlag (false),
helpFlag (false),
versionFlag (false),
useTheForceLuke (false);
enum JirCmd { SEND, UPDATE } jirCmd;
urlBase (""),
apiPage ("/script.php"),
downloadPage ("/f.php"),
minimumAvailability ("month"),
SizeArg maxUploadSize ("100 Mi");
try {
mainDescription.add_options ()
("help,h", bool_switch (&helpFlag), "produce this help message")
("version,v", bool_switch (&versionFlag), "display version information")
("contentType,c", value<string> (&contentType)->default_value (contentType), "content-type of the sended file")
("attachName,n", value<string> (&attachName)->default_value (attachName), "force attachment name")
("minimumAvailability,t", value<string> (&minimumAvailability)->default_value (minimumAvailability), "minimum period of available download")
("maxUploadSize,s", value<SizeArg> (&maxUploadSize)->default_value (maxUploadSize), "maximum upload size")
("file server registery,f", value<string> (&urlBase)->default_value (urlBase), "server where file are temporary stored")
hide.add_options ()
("useTheForceLuke", bool_switch (&useTheForceLuke), "display hidded options")
("debug,g", bool_switch (&debugFlag), "debug mode")
("proxy,p", value<string> (&proxy)->default_value (proxy), "set proxy (")
("uploadPage,u", value<string> (&apiPage)->default_value (apiPage), "upload page")
("downloadPage,d", value<string> (&downloadPage)->default_value (downloadPage), "download page")
options_description cmd ("All options");
cmd.add (mainDescription).add (hide).add_options ()
(inputFileC, value<vector<string> > (), "input")
positional_options_description p;
p.add (inputFileC, -1);
variables_map vm;
basic_parsed_options<char> parsed = command_line_parser (argc, argv).options (cmd).positional (p).run ();
store (parsed, vm);
notify (vm);
if (debugFlag) {
cerr << "No debug option available (was compiled with -DDISABLE_LOG)" << endl;
Log::debug = debugFlag;
if (useTheForceLuke)
usage ("", true);
if (versionFlag)
version ();
if (helpFlag)
usage ();
if (vm.count (inputFileC)) {
vector<string> var = vm[inputFileC].as<vector<string> > ();
int nbArgs = vm[inputFileC].as<vector<string> > ().size ();
if (!nbArgs)
usage ("No command");
if (var [0].compare ("send") == 0)
jirCmd = SEND;
else if (var [0].compare ("update") == 0)
jirCmd = UPDATE;
usage ("Unknown command ("+var [0]+")");
if (nbArgs < 2)
usage ("no input file");
inputFileName = var [1];
if (nbArgs == 3)
password = var [2];
if (nbArgs > 3)
usage ("Too much arguments");
} catch (std::exception &e) {
cerr << "error: " << e.what() << endl;
usage ();
return 1;
} catch (...) {
cerr << "Exception of unknown type!" << endl;
return 1;
if (inputFileName.empty ())
usage ("no input");
CURL *easyhandle = curl_easy_init ();
if (! easyhandle) {
cerr << "no curl" << endl;
return 1;
string readBuffer;
if (proxy.length ())
curl_easy_setopt(easyhandle, CURLOPT_PROXY, proxy.c_str ());
curl_easy_setopt (easyhandle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteCallback);
curl_easy_setopt (easyhandle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &readBuffer);
curl_mime *multipart = curl_mime_init (easyhandle);
curl_mimepart *part = nullptr;
switch (jirCmd) {
case SEND: {
LOG ("SEND: " << (urlBase+apiPage));
curl_easy_setopt (easyhandle, CURLOPT_URL, (urlBase+apiPage).c_str ());
LOG ("maxUploadSize: " << maxUploadSize);
long uploadsize = (size_t) maxUploadSize;
curl_easy_setopt (easyhandle, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, uploadsize);
LOG ("time: " << minimumAvailability);
part = curl_mime_addpart (multipart);
curl_mime_name (part, "time");
curl_mime_data (part, minimumAvailability.c_str (), CURL_ZERO_TERMINATED);
if (password.size ()) {
LOG ("key: " << password);
part = curl_mime_addpart (multipart);
curl_mime_name (part, "key");
curl_mime_data (part, password.c_str (), CURL_ZERO_TERMINATED);
LOG ("inputFileName: " << bfs::path (inputFileName).filename ());
part = curl_mime_addpart (multipart);
curl_mime_name (part, "file");
if (contentType.length ()) {
LOG ("contentType: " << contentType);
curl_mime_type (part, contentType.c_str ());
if (attachName.empty ()) {
attachName = bfs::path (inputFileName).filename ().c_str ();
LOG ("attachName: " << attachName);
curl_mime_filename (part, attachName.c_str ());
FILE *fp = fopen (inputFileName.c_str (), "r");
fseek (fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
long int fsize (ftell (fp));
fseek (fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
curl_mime_data_cb (part, fsize,
(curl_read_callback) fread,
(curl_seek_callback) fseek,
NULL, //(curl_seek_callback) fclose,
case UPDATE: {
LOG ("UPDATE: " << (urlBase+downloadPage));
curl_easy_setopt (easyhandle, CURLOPT_URL, (urlBase+downloadPage).c_str ());
LOG ("h: " << inputFileName);
part = curl_mime_addpart (multipart);
curl_mime_name (part, "h");
curl_mime_data (part, inputFileName.c_str (), CURL_ZERO_TERMINATED);
LOG ("u: " << minimumAvailability);
part = curl_mime_addpart (multipart);
curl_mime_name (part, "u");
curl_mime_data (part, minimumAvailability.c_str (), CURL_ZERO_TERMINATED);
curl_easy_setopt (easyhandle, CURLOPT_MIMEPOST, multipart);
curl_easy_perform (easyhandle);
curl_easy_cleanup (easyhandle);
cout << readBuffer << endl;
showTime ("Upload");
return 0;
// ================================================================================


@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
// Copyright KAZ 2021 //
// //
// contact (at) //
// //
// This software is a filter to shrink email by attachment extraction. //
// //
// This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and //
// abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, //
// modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the //
// CeCILL-B license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following //
// URL "". //
// //
// As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, //
// modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided //
// only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of //
// the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited //
// liability. //
// //
// In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated //
// with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the //
// software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, //
// that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also //
// therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced //
// professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore //
// encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards //
// their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their //
// systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and //
// operate it in the same conditions as regards security. //
// //
// The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had //
// knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. //
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
#include <boost/chrono.hpp>
#include "kazDebug.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace kaz;
Log::debug = false;
Log::indent = 0;
// ================================================================================
Log::getLocalTimeStr () {
using namespace boost::posix_time;
using namespace std;
ptime now = second_clock::second_clock::local_time ();
stringstream ss;
auto date = ();
auto time = now.time_of_day ();
ss << setfill ('0') << "["
<< setw (2) << static_cast<int> (date.month ()) << "/" << setw (2) << ()
<< "] " << setw (2)
<< time.hours () << ":" << setw (2) << time.minutes ();
return ss.str();
Log::Log (const string &functName)
: functName (functName) {
if (debug)
cerr << *this << "> ";
Log::~Log () {
if (debug)
cerr << *this << "<" << endl << flush;
ostream &
kaz::operator << (ostream &out, const Log &log) {
return out << Log::getLocalTimeStr () << setw (3) << setw ((log.indent % 20)*2) << "" << log.functName;
// ================================================================================


@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
// Copyright KAZ 2021 //
// //
// contact (at) //
// //
// This software is a filter to shrink email by attachment extraction. //
// //
// This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and //
// abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, //
// modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the //
// CeCILL-B license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following //
// URL "". //
// //
// As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, //
// modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided //
// only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of //
// the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited //
// liability. //
// //
// In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated //
// with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the //
// software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, //
// that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also //
// therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced //
// professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore //
// encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards //
// their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their //
// systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and //
// operate it in the same conditions as regards security. //
// //
// The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had //
// knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. //
#include <iostream>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "kazDebug.hpp"
#include "kazMisc.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace kaz;
//template void kaz::quotedDecoded<'='> (string &content);
//template void kaz::quotedDecoded<'%'> (string &content);
static const string::size_type MAX_QUOTED_PRINTABLE_SIZE (78);
const char *const kaz::base64Chars =
const string kaz::availableURLChars =
// ================================================================================
kaz::getCols () {
struct winsize w;
ioctl (0, TIOCGWINSZ, &w);
return w.ws_col;
// ================================================================================
kaz::ns2string (const double &delta) {
using namespace std::chrono;
ostringstream oss;
duration<double> ns (delta);
oss.fill ('0');
// typedef duration<int, ratio<86400> > days;
// auto d = duration_cast<days>(ns);
// ns -= d;
auto h = duration_cast<hours> (ns);
ns -= h;
auto m = duration_cast<minutes> (ns);
ns -= m;
oss << setw (2) << h.count () << ":"
<< setw (2) << m.count () << ":"
<< setw (9) << fixed << setprecision (6) << ns.count ();
return oss.str ();
// ================================================================================
kaz::replaceAll (string& str, const string &from, const string &to) {
DEF_LOG ("kaz::replaceAll", "form: " << from << " to: " << to);
if (str.empty () || from.empty ())
for (string::size_type startPos (0);
(startPos = str.find (from, startPos)) != string::npos;
startPos += to.length ())
str.replace (startPos, from.size (), to);
kaz::replaceAll (string& str, const map<const string, const string> &subst) {
DEF_LOG ("kaz::replaceAll", "str: " << str);
for (map<const string, const string>::const_iterator it = subst.begin (); it != subst.end (); ++it)
replaceAll (str, it->first, it->second);
// ================================================================================
kaz::toLower (string &content) {
DEF_LOG ("kaz::toLower", "content: " << content);
static locale loc;
for (string::size_type i = 0; i < content.length (); ++i)
content [i] = tolower (content[i], loc);
LOG ("content: " << content);
const string &
kaz::toUpperIfNeed (const string &src, string &tmp) {
DEF_LOG ("kaz::toUpperIfNeed", "src: " << src);
for (string::const_iterator it = src.begin (); it != src.end (); ++it)
if (*it != toupper (*it)) {
tmp.reserve ();
for (it = src.begin (); it != src.end (); ++it)
tmp.push_back (toupper (*it));
return tmp;
return src;
inline bool
caseInsensitiveCharCompare (char a, char b) {
return (toupper (a) == b);
kaz::caseInsensitiveFind (const string& s, const string& pattern, const string::size_type &pos) {
DEF_LOG ("kaz::caseInsensitiveFind", "pattern: " << pattern << " pos: " << pos << " s: " << s);
string tmp;
const string &upperPattern (toUpperIfNeed (pattern, tmp));
LOG ("pattern: " << upperPattern);
string::const_iterator it (search (s.begin ()+pos, s.end (), upperPattern.begin (), upperPattern.end (), caseInsensitiveCharCompare));
if (it == s.end ())
return string::npos;
LOG ("find: " << (it - s.begin ()));
return it - s.begin ();
kaz::caseInsensitiveRFind (const string& s, const string& pattern, const string::size_type &pos) {
DEF_LOG ("kaz::caseInsensitiveRFind", "pattern: " << pattern << " pos: " << pos << " s: " << s);
string tmp;
const string &upperPattern (toUpperIfNeed (pattern, tmp));
LOG ("pattern: " << upperPattern);
string::const_reverse_iterator it (search (s.rbegin (), s.rend ()+pos, upperPattern.rbegin (), upperPattern.rend (), caseInsensitiveCharCompare));
if (it == s.rend ())
return string::npos;
LOG ("find: " << (s.rend () - it - pattern.length ()));
return s.rend () - it - pattern.length ();
// ================================================================================
template<char delim>
kaz::quotedDecode (string &content) {
DEF_LOG ("kaz::quotedDecode", "delim: " << delim << " content: " << content);
string::size_type len (content.length ());
if (!len)
LOG ("len: " << len);
string::iterator p (content.begin ()), q (p);
for ( ;
p < content.end ();
++p, ++q) {
if (*p != delim) {
*q = *p;
if (p+1 < content.end () && *(p+1) == '\n') {
LOG_BUG (q == content.begin (), ++p;continue, "kazMisc::quotedDecode bug: bad quoted-printable format. (start with '=', content: " << content << ")");
LOG_BUG (p+3 > content.end () || !isxdigit (p[1]) || !isxdigit (p[2]), return, "kazMisc::quotedDecode bug: bad quoted-printable format. (content: " << content << ")");
*q = (char) ((getHexaVal (p[1]) << 4) + getHexaVal (p[2]));
p += 2;
content.resize (q-content.begin ());
LOG ("content: " << content);
// ================================================================================
kaz::quotedEncode (string &content) {
DEF_LOG ("kaz::quotedDecode", "content: " << content);
string::size_type nbQuoted (0);
for (string::const_iterator it = content.begin (); it != content.end (); ++it)
if (isQuotedPrintable (*it))
if (!nbQuoted)
string::size_type estimate (content.length ()+nbQuoted*3);
estimate += (estimate/MAX_QUOTED_PRINTABLE_SIZE)*2;
string result;
result.reserve (estimate);
string::size_type cols (0);
char upper, lower;
for (string::const_iterator it = content.begin (); it != content.end (); ++it) {
const char &c (*it);
if (c == '\n') {
result.push_back ('\n');
cols = 0;
result.push_back ('=');
result.push_back ('\n');
cols = 0;
if (!isQuotedPrintable (c) ||
((c == ' ' || c =='\t') && (it+1 == content.end () || *(it+1) == '\n'))) {
result.push_back ('=');
result.push_back ('\n');
cols = 0;
getHexa (c, upper, lower);
result.push_back ('=');
result.push_back (upper);
result.push_back (lower);
cols += 3;
result.push_back (c);
content.swap (result);
LOG ("content: " << content);
// ================================================================================
kaz::base64Decode (string &content) {
DEF_LOG ("kaz::base64Decode", "content: " << content);
string::size_type len (content.length ());
if (!len)
LOG ("len: " << len);
unsigned char buff[4];
int idx = 0;
string::iterator p (content.begin ()), q (p);
for (;
p < content.end ();
++p) {
char c = *p;
if (c == '=')
if (c == '\n')
LOG_BUG (!isBase64 (c), return, "kazMisc::base64Decode bug: bad base64 format. (content: " << content << ")");
buff [idx] = getBase64Val (c);
if (++idx != 4)
*q = buff [0] << 2 | (buff [1] & 0x30) >> 4;
*++q = buff [1] << 4 | (buff [2] & 0x3c) >> 2;
*++q = buff [2] << 6 | buff [3];
idx = 0;
if (idx) {
for (int j = idx; j < 4; ++j)
buff [j] = 0;
*q = buff [0] << 2 | (buff [1] & 0x30) >> 4;
if (idx) {
*q = buff [1] << 4 | (buff [2] & 0x3c) >> 2;
content.resize (q-content.begin ());
LOG ("content: " << content);
// ================================================================================
kaz::base64Encode (string &content) {
DEF_LOG ("kaz::base64Encode", "content: " << content);
string::size_type length (content.length ());
std::string result;
result.reserve ((length + 2) / 3 * 4 + length / MAX_QUOTED_PRINTABLE_SIZE + 1);
for (string::size_type pos (0), cols (0); pos < length; ) {
result.push_back (base64Chars [(content [pos + 0] & 0xfc) >> 2]);
if (pos == length-1) {
result.push_back (base64Chars [(content [pos + 0] & 0x03) << 4]);
result.push_back ('=');
result.push_back ('=');
result.push_back (base64Chars [((content [pos + 0] & 0x03) << 4) +
((content [pos + 1] & 0xF0) >> 4)]);
if (pos == length-2) {
result.push_back (base64Chars [(content [pos + 1] & 0x0F) << 2]);
result.push_back ('=');
result.push_back (base64Chars [((content [pos + 1] & 0x0F) << 2) +
((content [pos + 2] & 0xC0) >> 6)]);
result.push_back (base64Chars [content [pos + 2] & 0x3F]);
pos += 3;
cols += 4;
result.push_back ('\n');
cols = 0;
content = result;
LOG ("content: " << content);
// ================================================================================
kaz::iso2utf (string &content) {
DEF_LOG ("kaz::iso2utf", "content: " << content);
string::size_type len (content.length ());
if (!len)
LOG ("len: " << len);
string::size_type charCount (0);
for (string::iterator it = content.begin (); it != content.end (); ++it)
if ((uint8_t) *it >= 0x80)
if (!charCount)
LOG ("charCount: " << charCount);
content.resize (len+charCount);
string::iterator p (content.end ()-1), q (p+charCount);
for ( ; ; --p, --q) {
uint8_t ch = *p;
if (ch < 0x80)
*q = ch;
else {
*q = 0x80 | (ch & 0x3F);
*--q = 0xc0 | ch >> 6;
LOG ("ch: " << (char) ch);
if (p == q)
LOG ("content: " << content);
// ================================================================================
kaz::encodedWord (string &content) {
// rfc2047
DEF_LOG ("kaz::extendedWord", "content: " << content);
string::size_type charsetPos = content.find ("=?");
if (charsetPos == string::npos)
LOG ("charsetPos: " << charsetPos);
LOG_BUG (charsetPos != 0, return, "kazMisc::extendedWord bug: =? not at begin pos. (content: " << content << ")");
string result;
for ( ;
(charsetPos = content.find ("=?", charsetPos)) != string::npos;
) {
string::size_type modePos = content.find ("?", charsetPos+2);
LOG_BUG (modePos == string::npos, return, "kazMisc::extendedWord bug: no end chartset. (content: " << content << ")");
string::size_type contentPos = content.find ("?", modePos+1);
LOG_BUG (contentPos != modePos+2, return, "kazMisc::extendedWord bug: no end chartset. (content: " << content << ")");
string::size_type endPos = content.find ("?=", contentPos+1);
LOG_BUG (endPos == string::npos, return, "kazMisc::extendedWord bug: no end chartset. (content: " << content << ")");
string tmp (content.substr (contentPos+1, endPos-contentPos-1));
switch (content [modePos+1]) {
case 'B':
case 'b':
base64Decode (tmp);
case 'Q':
case 'q':
quotedDecode (tmp);
LOG_BUG (true, return, "kazMisc::extendedWord bug: unknown mode. (mode: " << content [modePos+1] << ")");
LOG ("tmp: " << tmp);
string charset (content.substr (charsetPos, modePos-charsetPos-2));
toLower (charset);
if (! caseInsensitiveFind (charset, "ISO"))
iso2utf (tmp);
result += tmp;
charsetPos = endPos+2;
content = result;
LOG ("content: " << content);
// ================================================================================
kaz::charsetValue (string &content) {
// rfc2184
DEF_LOG ("kaz::charsetValue", "content: " << content);
string::size_type langPos = content.find ("'");
LOG_BUG (langPos == string::npos, return, "kazMisc::charsetValue bug: no '. (content: " << content << ")");
string::size_type contentPos = content.find ("'", langPos+1);
LOG_BUG (contentPos == string::npos, return, "kazMisc::charsetValue bug: no double '. (content: " << content << ")");
string tmp (content.substr (contentPos+1));
quotedDecode<'%'> (tmp);
LOG ("tmp: " << tmp);
string charset (content.substr (0, langPos));
toLower (charset);
if (! caseInsensitiveFind (charset, "ISO"))
iso2utf (tmp);
content = tmp;
LOG ("content: " << content);
// ================================================================================


@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
// Copyright KAZ 2021 //
// //
// contact (at) //
// //
// This software is a filter to shrink email by attachment extraction. //
// //
// This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and //
// abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, //
// modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the //
// CeCILL-B license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following //
// URL "". //
// //
// As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, //
// modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided //
// only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of //
// the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited //
// liability. //
// //
// In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated //
// with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the //
// software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, //
// that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also //
// therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced //
// professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore //
// encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards //
// their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their //
// systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and //
// operate it in the same conditions as regards security. //
// //
// The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had //
// knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. //
#ifndef _kaz_Attachment_hpp
#define _kaz_Attachment_hpp
#include <string>
#include <regex>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include "EmbeddedData.hpp"
namespace kaz {
using namespace std;
// ================================================================================
/*! e-mail structure */
class Attachment {
/*! tokens indicat candidats to be updated by remove attachment */
//static const vector<const string> stringsToUpdate;
static vector<string> stringsToUpdate;
/*! mime tokens */
static const string contentTypeToken, contentDispositionToken, contentTransferEncodingToken, base64Token, quotedPrintableToken, contentIDToken, PLAIN, HTML, RELATED, ALTERNATIVE;
/*! pattern to extract mime values */
static const regex nameRegEx, nameCharsetRegEx, boundaryRegEx, cidDefRegEx, textRegEx, multiRegEx;
/*! get uniq filename */
static string getUnknown (const string &ext = "");
/*! remove all sections in content given by boundary tags */
static void removeSection (string &content, const string &beginTag, const string &endTag);
/*! catenates all sections in content given by boundary tags (use temporary vector) */
static string getSection (const string &content, const string &beginTag, const string &endTag);
/*! get all sections in content given by boundary marks and put them in result */
static void getSection (const string &content, const string &beginTag, const string &endTag, vector<string> &result);
/*! return the content-type */
const string getContentType () const;
/*! return the filename in mime (or uniq name if missing) */
const string getAttachName () const;
/*! return reference to the saved boundary. Empty value if attachment is not a multipart */
const string &getBoundary () const;
/*! return the size of the content */
const streamoff getSize () const;
/*! get a part of a mime header value */
const string getProp (const string &token, const regex &regEx) const;
/*! return if base64 encoded */
const bool isBase64Encoding () const;
/*! return if quoted-printable encoded */
const bool isQuotedPrintableEnconding () const;
/*! return if text (plain or html) and base64 encoded */
const bool isTextBase64 () const;
/*! return check if value exists in mime header */
const bool isDefProp (const string &token, const string &val) const;
/*! HTML image tag*/
static const string IMG_BEGIN, IMG_END;
/*! Attachment level (0 is main) */
const int level;
/*! char position in the mbox of the boundary before this attachment */
const streamoff beginInParent;
/*! char position of attachment including mime */
const streamoff beginPos;
/*! char position of attachment content */
streamoff contentPos, endPos;
/*! properties of the attachment */
bool toExtract, toUpdate, toDisclaim;
/*! id of an image embedded in mbox */
string cid;
/*! url to replace the attachment and its short id */
string downloadUrl, downloadId;
/*! properties of embedded image (self encoded with base64)*/
vector<EmbeddedData> embeddedData;
/*! mime values of the attachment */
map<string, string> env;
/*! boundary if the attachment is a multipart including previous and next "--" */
string boundary;
/*! size of boundary before the last "--" */
streamoff boundaryMiddleSize;
/*! sub attachment if the attachment is a multipart */
vector<Attachment> subAttachements;
/*! called during the parse process */
Attachment (ifstream &mbox, const int &level, const streamoff beginInParent, streamoff &curPos);
/*! called one time by the constructor */
void readMime (ifstream &mbox, streamoff &curPos);
/*! called one time by the constructor */
void readBoundaries (ifstream &mbox, streamoff &curPos);
/*! called for each part during the parse process add add a subAttachement. Return false when found last boundary */
bool nextBondary (ifstream &mbox, streamoff &curPos);
/*! recursively marks alternative attachments to be disclaim */
void markDisclaim (bool &plainMarked, bool &htmlMarked);
/*! recursively marks big attachments to be removed and upated (including disclaim). return true when part need to be updated (can't be extracted). */
bool markSignificant (const string &parentMultiProp, const streamoff &minAttachSize, ifstream &mbox, vector<Attachment *> &allMarkedPtrs);
/*! get a copy of the content. Base64 is decoded. Quoted-Printable is unwarp and unquoted */
string getContent (ifstream &mbox) const;
/*! write the content, encoded if necessary (base64 and quoted-printable) */
void println (ofstream &outbox, string content) const;
/*! replace embedded image */
void replaceEmbedded (string &content) const;
friend class MainAttachment;
friend ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Attachment& attachment);
/*! for debug pupose */
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Attachment& attachment);
// ================================================================================
#endif // _kaz_Attachment_hpp


@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
// Copyright KAZ 2021 //
// //
// contact (at) //
// //
// This software is a filter to shrink email by attachment extraction. //
// //
// This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and //
// abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, //
// modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the //
// CeCILL-B license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following //
// URL "". //
// //
// As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, //
// modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided //
// only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of //
// the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited //
// liability. //
// //
// In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated //
// with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the //
// software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, //
// that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also //
// therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced //
// professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore //
// encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards //
// their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their //
// systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and //
// operate it in the same conditions as regards security. //
// //
// The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had //
// knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. //
#ifndef _kaz_EmbeddedData_hpp
#define _kaz_EmbeddedData_hpp
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace kaz {
using namespace std;
// ================================================================================
/*! properties of embedded image in html part (rfc2397) */
class EmbeddedData {
/*! rank of this image tag */
int imgIdx;
/*! extracted in first pass */
string contentType, name;
string downloadUrl, downloadId;
/*! area of base64 relative in the image section */
string::size_type startData, dataLength;
/*! initialisation in the first pass */
EmbeddedData (const int &imgIdx, const string &contentType, const string &name, const string::size_type &startData, const string::size_type &dataLength);
/*! records properties */
static void fillEmbeddedData (const vector<string> &imgs, const streamoff &minAttachSize, vector<EmbeddedData> &data);
// friend ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const EmbeddedData& embeddedData);
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const EmbeddedData& embeddedData);
// ================================================================================
#endif // _kaz_EmbeddedData_hpp


@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
// Copyright KAZ 2021 //
// //
// contact (at) //
// //
// This software is a filter to shrink email by attachment extraction. //
// //
// This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and //
// abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, //
// modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the //
// CeCILL-B license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following //
// URL "". //
// //
// As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, //
// modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided //
// only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of //
// the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited //
// liability. //
// //
// In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated //
// with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the //
// software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, //
// that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also //
// therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced //
// professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore //
// encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards //
// their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their //
// systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and //
// operate it in the same conditions as regards security. //
// //
// The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had //
// knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. //
#ifndef _kaz_MainAttachment_hpp
#define _kaz_MainAttachment_hpp
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include "Attachment.hpp"
namespace kaz {
using namespace std;
namespace bfs = boost::filesystem;
// ================================================================================
/*! root level of e-mail structure */
class MainAttachment : public Attachment {
/*! text to add in disclaim */
static const string templatePlainAddLink, templatePlainAllLink, templateHtmlHeader, templateHtmlAddLink, templateHtmlOtherLink, templateHtmlAllLink, templateHtmlFooter;
/*! white space to split a text */
static const regex whiteSpaceRegEx;
/*! copy a slice of mbox to stdout */
static void copy (ifstream &mbox, ofstream &outbox, const streamoff &begin, const streamoff &end);
/*! get url and id (space separated) from stdin */
void fillUrlId (string &url, string &id);
/*! location of extracted files */
void setExtractDir (const bfs::path &extractDir);
/*! URL base for archive download of all extracted files */
void setArchiveDownloadURL (const string &archiveDownloadURL);
/*! add a single link in disclaim */
void addLink (string &plain, string &html, const string &url, const string &name) const;
/*! get disclaim according alls links (retreived or create) */
void getDisclaim (string &plain, string &html) const;
/*! for boot strap the attachment constructor */
streamoff &initTmpPos () { return tmpPos = 0; }
/*! for boot strap the attachment constructor */
int &initTmpLevel () { return tmpLevel = 0; }
/*! volatile values*/
streamoff tmpPos;
int tmpLevel;
/*! dir path for extraction */
bfs::path extractDir;
/*! URL base for download archives */
string archiveDownloadURL;
/*! subset in the tree of all attachments to be consider for extraction or modification */
vector<Attachment *> allMarkedPtrs;
/*! previous links find in mbox */
map<string, string> previousLinks;
/*! add link only if no significant value already exist. */
void addPrevious (const string &href, const string &name);
/*! extract previous links from plain text. Used by extractPreviousKAZ */
void extractLinks (const string &extractedPlainKAZ);
/*! extract previous links from html-li list. Used by extractPreviousKAZ */
void extractLinks (const vector<string> &liOne);
/*! extract previous links in mbox. Used by getUpdatedURL and substitute */
void extractPreviousKAZ (ifstream &mbox);
/*! remove previous links to archive. Used by substitute */
void removePreviousArchive ();
/*! the main attachment in mbox */
MainAttachment (ifstream &mbox);
/*! mark disclaim, update and extract attachments. Must be call before: getUpdatedURL, extract or substitute */
void markSignificant (const streamoff &minAttachSize, ifstream &mbox);
/*! write to stdout le list of previous links in mbox */
void getUpdatedURL (ifstream &mbox);
/*! create record for extraction */
void newPjEntry (const int &attachCount, const string &contentType, const string &name, string &dirName, string &mediaName) const;
/*! extract big attachments in mbox to extractDir and write to stdout le dirname of each extraction */
void extract (ifstream &mbox, const SizeArg &minSize) const;
/*! substitute big attachments by the url give in stdin */
void substitute (ifstream &mbox, ofstream &outbox, const SizeArg &minSize);
// ================================================================================
#endif // _kaz_MainAttachment_hpp


@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
// Copyright KAZ 2021 //
// //
// contact (at) //
// //
// This software is a filter to shrink email by attachment extraction. //
// //
// This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and //
// abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, //
// modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the //
// CeCILL-B license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following //
// URL "". //
// //
// As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, //
// modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided //
// only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of //
// the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited //
// liability. //
// //
// In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated //
// with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the //
// software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, //
// that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also //
// therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced //
// professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore //
// encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards //
// their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their //
// systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and //
// operate it in the same conditions as regards security. //
// //
// The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had //
// knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. //
#ifndef _kaz_SizeArg_hpp
#define _kaz_SizeArg_hpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
namespace kaz {
using namespace std;
// ================================================================================
/*! human readable of size values */
class SizeArg {
/*! the size */
size_t bytes;
/*! human readable convertion */
void init (const string &option);
/*! scalar convertion */
operator size_t () const { return bytes; }
/*! initialization from scalar value */
SizeArg (const size_t &bytes = 0);
/*! initialization from human readable value */
SizeArg (const string &option);
friend ostream &operator << (ostream &out, const SizeArg &sizeArg);
friend istream &operator >> (istream &in, SizeArg &sizeArg);
// ================================================================================
/*! human readable convertion */
ostream &operator << (ostream &out, const SizeArg &sizeArg);
istream &operator >> (istream &in, SizeArg &sizeArg);
#endif // _kaz_Attachment_hpp


@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
// Copyright KAZ 2021 //
// //
// contact (at) //
// //
// This software is a filter to shrink email by attachment extraction. //
// //
// This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and //
// abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, //
// modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the //
// CeCILL-B license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following //
// URL "". //
// //
// As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, //
// modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided //
// only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of //
// the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited //
// liability. //
// //
// In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated //
// with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the //
// software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, //
// that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also //
// therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced //
// professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore //
// encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards //
// their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their //
// systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and //
// operate it in the same conditions as regards security. //
// //
// The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had //
// knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. //
#ifndef _Kaz_Debug_hpp
#define _Kaz_Debug_hpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
/*! log error */
#define LOG_BUG(cond, action, expr) {if (cond) {std::cerr << endl << expr << std::endl << std::flush; action; }}
#define SMART_DEF_LOG(name, expr) DEF_LOG (name, expr)
#ifndef SMART_LOG
#define SMART_LOG(expr) LOG (expr)
#define SMART_LOG_EXPR(expr) {if (::kaz::Log::debug) {expr;} }
#define SMART_DEF_LOG(name, expr)
#ifndef SMART_LOG
#define SMART_LOG(expr)
#define SMART_LOG_EXPR(expr)
#ifndef DEF_LOG
#define DEF_LOG(name, expr)
#ifndef LOG
#define LOG(expr) {}
#ifndef DEBUG
#define DEBUG(expr) {}
#ifndef DEF_LOG
/*! to placed as the first instruction to log entry and return method */
#define DEF_LOG(name, expr) ::kaz::Log log (name); { if (::kaz::Log::debug) std::cerr << expr << std::endl << std::flush; }
#ifndef LOG
/*! to placed in methode where DEF_LOG if call previously */
// _______________________________________________________ Don't forget DEF_LOG
#define LOG(expr) { if (::kaz::Log::debug) std::cerr << log << "| " << expr << std::endl << std::flush; }
#ifndef DEBUG
/*! log without format */
#define DEBUG(expr) { if (::kaz::Log::debug) std::cerr << expr << std::endl << std::flush; }
namespace kaz {
// ================================================================================
using namespace std;
/*! manage prety print log */
class Log {
/*! visual indentation of call */
static size_t indent;
/*! name recall in log */
string functName;
/*! switch on the log */
static bool debug;
/*! log entry of a method */
Log (const string &functName);
/*! log return of a method */
~Log ();
/*! timestamp of the log */
static string getLocalTimeStr ();
friend ostream &operator << (ostream &out, const Log &log);
ostream &operator << (ostream &out, const Log &log);
// ================================================================================
} // kaz
#endif //_Kaz_Debug_hpp


@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
// Copyright KAZ 2021 //
// //
// contact (at) //
// //
// This software is a filter to shrink email by attachment extraction. //
// //
// This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and //
// abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, //
// modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the //
// CeCILL-B license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following //
// URL "". //
// //
// As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, //
// modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided //
// only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of //
// the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited //
// liability. //
// //
// In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated //
// with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the //
// software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, //
// that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also //
// therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced //
// professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore //
// encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards //
// their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their //
// systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and //
// operate it in the same conditions as regards security. //
// //
// The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had //
// knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. //
#ifndef _kaz_misc_hpp
#define _kaz_misc_hpp
#include <string>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <map>
namespace kaz {
using namespace std;
// =======================================================================
/*! ordered base64 chars */
extern const char * const base64Chars;
/*! set of chars available in URL */
extern const string availableURLChars;
// =======================================================================
/*! get the width of the terminal */
uint16_t getCols ();
/*! display time. */
string ns2string (const double &delta);
// =======================================================================
/*! side effect on str to replace "from" by "to" */
void replaceAll (string& str, const string &from, const string &to);
/*! side effect on str to replace a set of "from" by a set of "to" */
void replaceAll (string& str, const map<const string, const string> &subst);
// =======================================================================
/*! side effect to lower case a string (in mime section) */
void toLower (string &content);
/*! compare strings are done in uppercase to avoid accents. Give token in uppercase spin up the process */
const string &toUpperIfNeed (const string &src, string &tmp);
/*! find upper case of p in upper case of s */
string::size_type caseInsensitiveFind (const string& s, const string& p, const string::size_type &pos = 0);
/*! reverse find upper case of p in upper case of s */
string::size_type caseInsensitiveRFind (const string& s, const string& p, const string::size_type &pos = 0);
/*! side effect to repplace =XX by the char with de haxe value XX. It could be %XX in rfc2184 */
template<char delim='='>
void quotedDecode (string &content);
/*! side effect to quoted-printable content rfc2045 */
void quotedEncode (string &content);
/*! side effect to decode base64 */
void base64Decode (string &content);
/*! side effect to encode base64 */
void base64Encode (string &content);
/*! side effect to change charset of content */
void iso2utf (string &content);
/*! side effect to get the encodedWord according rfc2047 */
void encodedWord (string &content);
/*! side effect to get the charsetValue according rfc2184 */
void charsetValue (string &content);
// =======================================================================
/*! return if the c need no quote */
inline bool
isQuotedPrintable (const char &c) {
c == ' ' || c == '\t' || (c >= 33 && c <= 126 && c != '=' && c != '.');
// '.' is available in rfc2184 but it avoid to check '.' alone in a line :-)
/*! return if the c is in available base64 chars */
inline bool
isBase64 (const char &c) {
return (isalnum (c) || (c == '+') || (c == '/'));
/*! get the order of c in the base64 set of values */
inline unsigned char
getBase64Val (const char &c) {
if (c == '+')
return 62;
if (c == '/')
return 63;
if (c <= '9')
return (c-'0')+52;
if (c <= 'Z')
return (c-'A');
return (c-'a')+26;
/*! get the nibble value of c representation of an hexa digit */
inline unsigned char
getHexaVal (const char &c) {
if (c <= '9')
return c-'0';
if (c <= 'F')
return (c-'A')+10;
return (c-'a')+10;
/*! get the nibble value of c representation of an hexa digit */
inline void
getHexa (const char &c, char &upper, char &lower) {
upper = c >> 4 & 0xF;
upper += upper > 9 ? ('A'-10) : '0';
lower = c & 0xF;
lower += lower > 9 ? ('A'-10) : '0';
// =======================================================================
#endif // _kaz_Attachment_hpp