Exemple de production automatique de texte. Ce que certains appel IA n'est que l'application statistique dénué de sémantique.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

14 lines
459 B

all: testAutoText doc
./testAutoText < data/LesForcatsDuMariage-lower.txt
testAutoText: cpp/TestAutoText.cpp cpp/TextProdChar.cpp include/TextProdChar.hpp cpp/LexFreq.cpp include/LexFreq.hpp cpp/Context.cpp include/Context.hpp
g++ -g -I ./include/ cpp/TestAutoText.cpp cpp/TextProdChar.cpp cpp/LexFreq.cpp cpp/Context.cpp -o testAutoText
rm -fr *~ cpp/*~ include/*~
wipe: clean
rm -fr testAutoText autoTextDoc
doxygen Doxyfile >/dev/null