Cours BUT1 Info R1.03 - Introduction à l'architecture des ordinateurs
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

25 lines
431 B

OUTDIR= output
SRC= $(wildcard *.md)
PDF= $(addprefix $(OUTDIR)/,$(
HTML= $(addprefix $(OUTDIR)/,$(
all: $(PDF) $(HTML)
pdf: $(PDF)
html: $(HTML)
directories: $(OUTDIR)
mkdir $(OUTDIR)
$(OUTDIR)/%.html: $(OUTDIR)
pandoc --from=markdown+lists_without_preceding_blankline $< -o $@ -s
$(OUTDIR)/%.pdf: $(OUTDIR)/%.html
wkhtmltopdf $< $@
\rm -rf *.html *.pdf $(OUTDIR)