122 lines
4.4 KiB
122 lines
4.4 KiB
* @license http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-fr.html
* @author Francois Merciol <dokuplugin@merciol.fr>
* English language file
// javascript
$lang['js'] =
array ('pleaseWait' => 'Connection to the server in progress ...');
// commands
$lang['Valid'] = 'Valid';
$lang['add'] = 'Add';
$lang['clear'] = 'Clear cache';
$lang['clearAll'] = 'Clear all cache';
$lang['clearCache'] = 'Clear cache'; // XXX
$lang['created'] = 'Created';
$lang['modify'] = 'Modify';
$lang['modifyAll'] = 'Modify All';
$lang['prop'] = 'Suggest';
$lang['remove'] = 'Remove';
$lang['selected'] = 'Selected';
$lang['show'] = 'Show';
$lang['test'] = 'Test';
$lang['repeatType'] = array ('day' => 'days', 'week' => 'weeks', 'dayMonth' => 'months', 'dateMonth' => 'months', 'year' => 'years');
// placeholder
$lang['titlePH'] = 'event title';
$lang['leadPH'] = 'Lead paragraph / organisation team / context / ... (optional)';
$lang['posterPH'] = 'http://... (optional)';
$lang['paperPH'] = 'http://... (optional)';
$lang['remarkPH'] = 'explanation / comments / remarks / ... (optional)';
$lang['ratePH'] = 'x € / y € (optional)';
$lang['cityPH'] = 'city (or INSEE code) +!!enter!!';
$lang['addrPH'] = '1, rue de la Tannerie ~br~ 56 000 +!!enter!!';
$lang['datePH'] = 'mm/dd/aa';
$lang['hourPH'] = '--h-- (ex: 09h30-15h)';
$lang['rootMoveDatePH'] = 'mm/dd/aa (move until this date)';
// messages
$lang['days'] = array ('sunday' => 'S', 'monday' => 'M', 'tuesday' => 'T', 'wednesday' => 'W', 'friday' => 'F', 'thursday' => 'T', 'saturday' => 'S');
$lang['enterTip'] = 'Press \'enter\' to update this field!';
$lang['who'] = 'Who';
$lang['audience'] = 'Audience';
$lang['shared'] = array ('', 'Shared');
$lang['proposedBy'] = 'Proposed by';
$lang['what'] = 'What';
$lang['title'] = 'Title';
$lang['lead'] = 'Lead paragraph';
$lang['posterURL'] = 'Poster';
$lang['paperURL'] = 'Paper';
$lang['remark'] = 'Topic';
$lang['rate'] = 'Rate';
$lang['where'] = 'Where';
$lang['city'] = 'Commune';
$lang['addresse'] = 'Addresse';
$lang['when'] = 'When';
$lang['allDates'] = 'All dates';
$lang['inverted'] = 'Inverted';
$lang['noEvent'] = 'No event';
$lang['validation'] = 'Validation';
$lang['proposition'] = 'Proposition';
$lang['reactiveMap'] = 'Interactive map!';
$lang['toComplet'] = 'To complete';
$lang['audienceChoice'] = 'For whom ?';
$lang['memberChoice'] = 'Proposed by ?';
$lang['eventTypeChoice'] = 'What kind of event ?';
$lang['from'] = 'from';
$lang['to'] = 'to';
$lang['fromHour'] = 'from';
$lang['toHour'] = 'to';
$lang['at'] = 'at';
$lang['all'] = 'all';
$lang['each'] = 'each';
$lang['startError'] = "Validation couldn't be performed because:";
$lang['noAudienceError'] = 'audience miss';
$lang['noMemberError'] = 'member miss';
$lang['noTypeError'] = 'event type miss';
$lang['noWhereError'] = 'place miss';
$lang['noTitleError'] = 'title miss';
$lang['mktimeError'] = 'unsupported date (OVH server limitation is : 13 decembre 1901 < YYYY-mm-dd < 20 janvier 2038)';
$lang['pastError'] = 'date out of bounds';
$lang['pastToError'] = 'end date before start :-D';
$lang['badDateError'] = 'inappropriate date';
$lang['notMemberError'] = 'not member';
$lang['addEvent'] = 'Add an event';
$lang['proposedEvent'] = 'Suggest an event';
$lang['propSuccess'] = "Votre proposition est enregistrée. Nous allons vérifier qu'elle est conforme à l'esprit du FSL avant de la mettre en ligne. Merci de votre contributon.";
$lang['notifySubject'] = '[Schedule] New proposal !';
$lang['notifyContent'] = "A new proposal is done.\n\n";
// toolTip
$lang['tipPrevM'] = 'Previous mounth';
$lang['tipNextM'] = 'Next mounth';
// format
$lang['dateFormat'] = 'mdY';
// $lang['orderedFormat'] = function ($num) { // XXX pb OVH
// if ($num < 1)
// return $num;
// switch ($num) {
// case 1:
// return '1st';
// default:
// return "{$num}th";
// }
// };
$lang['orderedFormat'] = array (1 => '1st', 2 => '2th', 3 => '3th', 4 => '4th', 5 => '5th', 6 => '6th', 7 => '7th', 8 => '8th', 9 => '9th', 10 => '10th', 11 => '11th', 12 => '12th', 13 => '13th', 14 => '14th', 15 => '15th', 16 => '16th', 17 => '17th', 18 => '18th', 19 => '19th', 20 => '20th', 21 => '21th', 22 => '22th', 23 => '23th', 24 => '24th', 25 => '25th', 26 => '26th', 27 => '27th', 28 => '28th', 29 => '29th', 30 => '30th', 31 => '31th');