Dépollution des courriel par substitution des pièces jointes par un lien temporaire;
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

609 lines
24 KiB

// Copyright KAZ 2021 //
// //
// contact (at) kaz.bzh //
// //
// This software is a filter to shrink email by attachment extraction. //
// //
// This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and //
// abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, //
// modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the //
// CeCILL-B license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following //
// URL "http://www.cecill.info". //
// //
// As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, //
// modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided //
// only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of //
// the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited //
// liability. //
// //
// In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated //
// with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the //
// software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, //
// that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also //
// therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced //
// professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore //
// encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards //
// their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their //
// systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and //
// operate it in the same conditions as regards security. //
// //
// The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had //
// knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. //
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "kazDebug.hpp"
#include "kazMisc.hpp"
#include "SizeArg.hpp"
#include "Attachment.hpp"
#include "MainAttachment.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace kaz;
static const string KAZ_WEB_SITE = "https://kaz.bzh/";
static const string TMPL_DOWNLOAD = "{{DOWNLOAD}}";
static const string TMPL_FILENAME = "{{FILENAME}}";
static const string CID = "cid:";
static const string KAZ_PLAIN_HR = "______________________________________________________________________________";
static const string KAZ_PLAIN_START = "~~ PJ-KAZ !"; // don't end whith space
static const string KAZ_PLAIN_STOP = KAZ_PLAIN_START+" ~~";
static const string KAZ_PLAIN_DONT_TOUCH = "(conservez cette partie intacte dans votre réponse si vous voulez transmettre les documents précédents)";
static const string KAZ_PLAIN_WARNING = "Attention : Kaz a dépollué ce message. Les pièces jointes ont été retirées et placées dans un dépôt provisoire. Elles seront automatiquement supprimées dans 1 mois. Si elles sont importantes et que vous souhaitez les conserver, vous devez utiliser les liens ci-dessous. Pour mieux comprendre la politique de nos services visitez kaz.bzh";
static const string KAZ_PLAIN_DOWLOAD_ONE = "Vos pièces jointes sont à télécharger individuellement ici :";
static const string KAZ_PLAIN_DOWLOAD_OTHER = "(Contenu dans des messages précédents)";
static const string KAZ_PLAIN_DOWLOAD_ALL = "Vous pouvez télécharger l'ensemble dans une archive là :";
static const string HEAD = "<head>";
static const string HEAD_END = "</head>";
static const string KAZ_CSS_URL = "https://kaz.bzh/m/email.css";
static const string KAZ_CSS = "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" charset=\"utf-8\" href=\""+KAZ_CSS_URL+"\"/>";
static const string A_END = "</a>";
static const string LI_BEGIN = "<li";
static const string CLASS_ONE = "class=\"one\"";
static const string LI_ONE = LI_BEGIN+" "+CLASS_ONE+">";
static const string LI_ALL = LI_BEGIN+" class=\"all\">";
static const string LI_END = "</li>";
static const string HREF_ONE = "href=\"";
static const string BODY_END = "</body>";
static const string HTML_END = "</html>";
static const string KAZ_HTML_TAG = "<!--KAZ"; // don't end whith space
static const string KAZ_HTML_START = KAZ_HTML_TAG+" START-->";
static const string KAZ_HTML_STOP = KAZ_HTML_TAG+" STOP-->";
// Textes précédents encodés en SGML
static const string KAZ_HTML_DONT_TOUCH = "(conservez cette partie intacte dans votre r&eacute;ponse si vous voulez transmettre les documents pr&eacute;c&eacute;dents)";
static const string KAZ_HTML_DOWLOAD_ONE = "Vos pi&egrave;ces jointes sont &agrave; t&eacute;l&eacute;charger individuellement ici :";
static const string KAZ_HTML_DOWLOAD_OTHER = "(Contenu dans des messages pr&eacute;c&eacute;dents)";
static const string KAZ_HTML_DOWLOAD_ALL = "Vous pouvez t&eacute;l&eacute;charger l'ensemble dans une archive l&agrave; :";
static const string KAZ_HTML_ARCHIVE = "archive";
// ================================================================================
vector <string>
Attachment::stringsToUpdate ({KAZ_PLAIN_START, "\""+CID});
// ================================================================================
const string MainAttachment::templatePlainAddLink (" - "+TMPL_DOWNLOAD+" "+TMPL_FILENAME+"\r\n");
const string MainAttachment::templatePlainAllLink ("\r\n"+KAZ_PLAIN_DOWLOAD_ALL+"\r\n * "+TMPL_DOWNLOAD+"\r\n");
const string MainAttachment::templateHtmlHeader (KAZ_HTML_START+"<p style=\"clear: left; padding: 1pc 0 0 0; font-size:10px; color:#969696;\">"+KAZ_PLAIN_START+"</p><hr>\n"
"<div class=\"kaz\">"
"<p style=\"font-size:10px; color:#969696;\">"+KAZ_HTML_DONT_TOUCH+"</p>\n"
const string MainAttachment::templateHtmlAddLink (LI_ONE+"<a "+HREF_ONE+TMPL_DOWNLOAD+"\">"+TMPL_FILENAME+"</a>"+LI_END+"\n");
const string MainAttachment::templateHtmlOtherLink ("</ul>"+KAZ_HTML_DOWLOAD_OTHER+"<ul>\n");
const string MainAttachment::templateHtmlAllLink ("</ul><ul>"+LI_ALL+KAZ_HTML_DOWLOAD_ALL+" <a href=\""+TMPL_DOWNLOAD+"\">"+KAZ_HTML_ARCHIVE+"</a>"+LI_END+"\n");
const string MainAttachment::templateHtmlFooter ("</ul></p>\n"
"<p class=\"msg\"><a class=\"kaz\" href=\""+KAZ_WEB_SITE+"\"> "+KAZ_WEB_SITE+" </a></p></div>\n"
"<hr><p style=\"font-size:10px; color:#969696;\">"+KAZ_PLAIN_STOP+"</p>"+KAZ_HTML_STOP+"\n");
const regex MainAttachment::whiteSpaceRegEx ("\\s+");
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::copy (ifstream &mbox, ofstream &outbox, const streamoff &begin, const streamoff &end) {
DEF_LOG ("MainAttachment::copy", "begin: " << begin << " end: " << end);
mbox.seekg (begin, ios::beg);
char c;
for (streamoff pos (begin); pos < end; ++pos) {
mbox.get (c);
outbox.put (c);
outbox.flush ();
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::fillUrlId (string &url, string &id) {
DEF_LOG ("MainAttachment::fillUrlId", "");
url = id = "";
string urlId;
getline (cin, urlId);
LOG ("get URL: " << urlId);
vector<string> urlIdVect { sregex_token_iterator (urlId.begin(), urlId.end (), whiteSpaceRegEx, -1), {} };
if (urlIdVect [0].empty ())
url = urlIdVect [0];
if (urlIdVect.size () > 1)
id = urlIdVect [1];
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::setExtractDir (const bfs::path &extractDir) {
if (extractDir.empty ())
throw invalid_argument ("no tmp dir");
this->extractDir = extractDir;
if (! is_directory (extractDir))
bfs::create_directory (extractDir);
MainAttachment::setArchiveDownloadURL (const string &archiveDownloadURL) {
this->archiveDownloadURL = archiveDownloadURL;
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::addLink (string &plain, string &html, const string &url, const string &name) const {
string plainNewOneLink (templatePlainAddLink);
replaceAll (plainNewOneLink, TMPL_DOWNLOAD, url);
replaceAll (plainNewOneLink, TMPL_FILENAME, name);
plain += plainNewOneLink;
string htmlNewOneLink (templateHtmlAddLink);
string codedUrl (url);
replaceAll (codedUrl, "&", "&amp;");
replaceAll (htmlNewOneLink, TMPL_DOWNLOAD, codedUrl);
replaceAll (htmlNewOneLink, TMPL_FILENAME, name);
html += htmlNewOneLink;
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::getDisclaim (string &plain, string &html) const {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::getDisclaim", "");
plain = html = "";
int linkCount (0);
string allId;
string plainNewLinks, htmlNewLinks;
for (Attachment *attachP : allMarkedPtrs) {
if (!attachP->toExtract)
addLink (plainNewLinks, htmlNewLinks, attachP->downloadUrl, attachP->getAttachName ());
allId += attachP->downloadId;
// if (previousLinks [attachP->downloadUrl] != previousLinks.end ())
// // impossible puisque le lien est toujours nouveau
// previousLinks.erase (attachP->downloadUrl);
for (Attachment *attachP : allMarkedPtrs) {
if (!attachP->embeddedData.size ())
for (EmbeddedData &embedded : attachP->embeddedData) {
addLink (plainNewLinks, htmlNewLinks, embedded.downloadUrl, embedded.name);
allId += embedded.downloadId;
LOG ("allId:" << allId);
string plainOldLinks, htmlOldLinks;
for (map <string, string>::const_iterator it = previousLinks.begin (); it != previousLinks.end (); ++it)
addLink (plainOldLinks, htmlOldLinks, it->first, it->second);
linkCount += previousLinks.size ();
if (! linkCount) {
LOG ("no attach");
plain = "\r\n"+KAZ_PLAIN_START+"\r\n"+KAZ_PLAIN_HR+"\r\n"+KAZ_PLAIN_DONT_TOUCH+"\r\n\r\n"+KAZ_PLAIN_WARNING+"\r\n\r\n"+KAZ_PLAIN_DOWLOAD_ONE+"\r\n"+plainNewLinks;
html = templateHtmlHeader+htmlNewLinks;
if (previousLinks.size ()) {
plain += KAZ_PLAIN_DOWLOAD_OTHER+"\r\n"+plainOldLinks;
html += templateHtmlOtherLink+htmlOldLinks;
if (linkCount > 1 && archiveDownloadURL.length ()) {
string allPlainLinks (templatePlainAllLink);
replaceAll (allPlainLinks, TMPL_DOWNLOAD, archiveDownloadURL+allId);
plain += allPlainLinks;
string allLinks (templateHtmlAllLink);
// allId => & => &amp; done
replaceAll (allLinks, TMPL_DOWNLOAD, archiveDownloadURL+allId);
html += allLinks;
html += templateHtmlFooter;
plain += "\r\n\r\n"+KAZ_WEB_SITE+"\r\n"+KAZ_PLAIN_HR+"\r\n"+KAZ_PLAIN_STOP+"\r\n";
// & => &amp; done
LOG ("plain: " << plain);
LOG ("html: " << html);
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::addPrevious (const string &href, const string &name, const bool &trust) {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::addPrevious", "href: " << href << " name: " << name);
const string oldVal = previousLinks [href];
if (name.empty ())
if (oldVal.length () && name.length () && !trust)
previousLinks.erase (href);
previousLinks [href] = name;
LOG ("inserted: " << href << ": " << previousLinks[href]);
MainAttachment::extractLinks (const string &extractedPlainKAZ) {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::extractedPlainKAZ", "extractedPlainKAZ: " << extractedPlainKAZ);
for (string::size_type startPos (0);
(startPos = extractedPlainKAZ.find ("http", startPos)) != string::npos;
) {
streamoff stopPos = startPos;
while (extractedPlainKAZ [stopPos] && availableURLChars.find (extractedPlainKAZ [stopPos]) != string::npos)
const string href (extractedPlainKAZ.substr (startPos, stopPos-startPos));
LOG ("plain href: " << href);
if (extractedPlainKAZ [stopPos] && extractedPlainKAZ [stopPos] != '\n')
startPos = stopPos;
// get all href but KAZ_WEB_SITE
// the archive link will be skip by filter.sh
if (href == KAZ_WEB_SITE)
string::size_type nextPos = extractedPlainKAZ.find ("http", startPos);
string name (extractedPlainKAZ, startPos, (nextPos == string::npos ? extractedPlainKAZ.length () : nextPos) - startPos);
// skip [> \r\n\t]
nextPos = name.find_first_not_of ("[> \t\r\n]");
if (nextPos != string::npos)
name.erase (0, nextPos);
// stop before [>\r\n\t]
nextPos = name.find_first_of ("[>\t\r\n]");
if (nextPos != string::npos)
name.erase (nextPos);
LOG ("plain name: " << name);
addPrevious (href, name);
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::extractLinks (const vector<string> &liOne) {
DEF_LOG ("Attachment::extractedPlainKAZ", "liOne.size: " << liOne.size ());
for (const string &one : liOne) {
if (caseInsensitiveFind (one, CLASS_ONE) == string::npos)
string::size_type startPos = caseInsensitiveFind (one, HREF_ONE);
LOG_BUG (startPos == string::npos, continue, "eMailShrinker: bug M1: no href KAZ link. (one: " << one << ")");
startPos += HREF_ONE.length ();
LOG ("startPos: " << startPos);
string::size_type stopPos = one.find ("\"", startPos);
LOG_BUG (stopPos == string::npos, break, "eMailShrinker: bug M2: no ending href KAZ link. (one: " << one << ")");
LOG ("stopPos: " << stopPos);
string href (one.substr (startPos, stopPos-startPos));
LOG ("html href: " << href);
stopPos = one.find (">", startPos);
LOG_BUG (one [stopPos] != '>', break, "eMailShrinker: bug M3: no ending href KAZ link. (one: " << one << ")");
startPos = stopPos;
LOG ("startPos: " << startPos);
stopPos = caseInsensitiveFind (one, A_END, startPos);
LOG ("stopPos: " << stopPos);
LOG_BUG (stopPos == string::npos, break, "eMailShrinker: bug M4: no ending anchor KAZ link. (one: " << one << ")");
string name (one.substr (startPos, stopPos-startPos));
LOG ("html name: " << name);
addPrevious (href, name);
MainAttachment::extractPreviousKAZ (ifstream &mbox) {
DEF_LOG ("MainAttachment::extractPreviousKAZ", "");
string extractedPlainKAZ, extractedHtmlKAZ;
for (const Attachment *attachP : allMarkedPtrs) {
if (!attachP->toUpdate || isBase64Encoding ())
string textProp = attachP->getProp (contentTypeToken, textRegEx);
if (textProp.empty ())
string content (attachP->getContent (mbox));
if (textProp == PLAIN) {
extractedPlainKAZ += attachP->getSection (content, KAZ_PLAIN_START, KAZ_PLAIN_STOP);
if (textProp == HTML) {
string section = attachP->getSection (content, KAZ_HTML_START, KAZ_HTML_STOP);
section += attachP->getSection (content, KAZ_PLAIN_START, KAZ_PLAIN_STOP);
// update href from HTML attachments
replaceAll (section, "&amp;", "&");
extractedHtmlKAZ += section;
LOG ("extractedPlainKAZ: "<< extractedPlainKAZ);
extractLinks (extractedPlainKAZ);
LOG ("extractedHtmlKAZ: "<< extractedHtmlKAZ);
vector<string> liOne;
getSection (extractedHtmlKAZ, LI_BEGIN, LI_END, liOne);
extractLinks (liOne);
for (map <string, string>::const_iterator it = previousLinks.begin (); it != previousLinks.end (); ++it)
LOG ("oldLink link: " << it->first << " name: " << it->second);
MainAttachment::removePreviousArchive () {
vector<string> toRemove;
for (map <string, string>::const_iterator it = previousLinks.begin (); it != previousLinks.end (); ++it)
if (it->first.find ("&l=/") != string::npos)
toRemove.push_back (it->first);
for (string old : toRemove)
previousLinks.erase (old);
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::MainAttachment (ifstream &mbox)
: Attachment (mbox, initTmpLevel (), 0, initTmpPos ()) {
DEF_LOG ("MainAttachment::MainAttachment", "");
string line;
for (; getline (mbox, line); )
tmpPos += line.length () + 1;
endPos = tmpPos;
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::markSignificant (const streamoff &minAttachSize, ifstream &mbox) {
DEF_LOG ("MainAttachment::markSignificant", "minAttachSize: " << minAttachSize);
bool plainMarked (false), htmlMarked (false);
markDisclaim (plainMarked, htmlMarked);
Attachment::markSignificant ("", minAttachSize, mbox, allMarkedPtrs);
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::getUpdatedURL (ifstream &mbox) {
DEF_LOG ("MainAttachment::getUpdatedURL", "");
extractPreviousKAZ (mbox);
for (map <string, string>::iterator it = previousLinks.begin (); it != previousLinks.end (); ++it)
cout << it->first << endl;
MainAttachment::newPjEntry (const int &attachCount, const string &contentType, const string &name, string &dirName, string &mediaName) const {
DEF_LOG ("MainAttachment::newPjEntry", "attachCount: " << attachCount << " contentType: " << contentType << " name: " << name);
ostringstream dirNameStream;
dirNameStream << "PJ-" << std::setfill ('0') << std::setw (3) << int (attachCount);
dirName = dirNameStream.str ();
bfs::path dirPath (extractDir / dirName);
bfs::create_directory (dirPath);
bfs::path metaPath (dirPath / "meta");
ofstream metaOut (metaPath.c_str ());
<< "Content-Type: " << contentType << endl
<< "Name: " << name << endl;
metaOut.flush ();
metaOut.close ();
bfs::path filePath (dirPath / "media");
mediaName = filePath.c_str ();
dirName = dirPath.c_str ();
LOG ("dirName: " << dirName << " mediaName: " << mediaName);
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::extract (ifstream &mbox, const SizeArg &minSize) const {
DEF_LOG ("MainAttachment::extract", "minSize: " << minSize);
int attachCount (0);
string dirName, mediaName;
for (Attachment *attachP : allMarkedPtrs) {
if (!attachP->toExtract)
newPjEntry (attachCount, attachP->getContentType (), attachP->getAttachName (), dirName, mediaName);
ofstream out (mediaName);
start (attachP->Attachment::contentPos),
end (attachP->Attachment::endPos+1); // pour assurer le cas sans ^M
mbox.seekg (start, ios::beg);
if (attachP->isBase64Encoding ()) {
unsigned char buff[4];
int idx = 0;
char c;
for (streamoff curPos (start); mbox.get (c) && curPos < end; ++curPos) {
if (c == '=')
if (!isBase64 (c))
buff [idx] = getBase64Val (c);
if (++idx != 4)
out.put (buff [0] << 2 | (buff [1] & 0x30) >> 4);
out.put (buff [1] << 4 | (buff [2] & 0x3c) >> 2);
out.put (buff [2] << 6 | buff [3]);
idx = 0;
if (idx) {
for (int j = idx; j < 4; ++j)
buff [j] = 0;
out.put (buff [0] << 2 | (buff [1] & 0x30) >> 4);
if (idx)
out.put (buff [1] << 4 | (buff [2] & 0x3c) >> 2);
} else {
string line;
for (streamoff curPos (start); getline (mbox, line); ) {
curPos += line.length () + 1;
if (curPos >= end) {
out << line.substr (0, end + line.length () - curPos) << endl;
out << line << endl;
out.flush ();
out.close ();
cout << dirName << endl;
for (Attachment *attachP : allMarkedPtrs) {
if (!attachP->embeddedData.size ())
string content = attachP->getContent (mbox);
vector<string> imgs;
getSection (content, IMG_BEGIN, IMG_END, imgs);
for (const EmbeddedData &embedded : attachP->embeddedData) {
string &img (imgs[embedded.imgIdx]);
img.erase (0, embedded.startData);
img.erase (embedded.dataLength);
base64Decode (img);
newPjEntry (attachCount, embedded.contentType, embedded.name, dirName, mediaName);
ofstream out (mediaName);
out.write (img.c_str (), img.size ());
out.flush ();
out.close ();
cout << dirName << endl;
// ================================================================================
MainAttachment::substitute (ifstream &mbox, ofstream &outbox, const SizeArg &minSize) {
DEF_LOG ("MainAttachment::substitute", "minSize: " << minSize);
// preparation
extractPreviousKAZ (mbox);
removePreviousArchive ();
map<const string, const string> translateHtml;
for (Attachment *attachP : allMarkedPtrs)
if (attachP->toExtract) {
fillUrlId (attachP->downloadUrl, attachP->downloadId);
if (attachP->downloadUrl.empty ()) {
LOG ("no change");
attachP->toExtract = false;
if (attachP->cid.length ()) {
string tmp (attachP->downloadUrl);
replaceAll (tmp, "&", "&amp;");
translateHtml.insert (pair<const string, const string> (CID+attachP->cid, tmp));
for (Attachment *attachP : allMarkedPtrs) {
if (!attachP->embeddedData.size ())
for (EmbeddedData &embedded : attachP->embeddedData)
fillUrlId (embedded.downloadUrl, embedded.downloadId);
string plainDisclaim, htmlDisclaim;
getDisclaim (plainDisclaim, htmlDisclaim);
// copy email
streamoff curPos = 0;
for (Attachment *attachP : allMarkedPtrs) {
copy (mbox, outbox, curPos, attachP->beginInParent);
LOG_BUG (attachP->toUpdate && attachP->toExtract, /**/, "eMailShrinker: bug M5: update and extract. pos: " << attachP->beginPos);
if (attachP->toExtract) {
LOG ("skip Extracted");
} else if (attachP->toUpdate) {
string textProp = attachP->getProp (contentTypeToken, textRegEx);
bool isPlain = textProp == PLAIN;
bool isHtml = textProp == HTML;
bool isDisclaimer = attachP->toDisclaim;
LOG_BUG (isPlain && isHtml, /**/, "eMailShrinker: bug M6: plain and html: " << attachP->getContentType ());
LOG_BUG (! (isPlain || isHtml), /**/, "eMailShrinker: bug M7: not plain or html: " << attachP->getContentType ());
LOG ("toUpdate: isPlain: " << isPlain << " isHtml: " << isHtml << " isDisclaimer: " << isDisclaimer);
copy (mbox, outbox, attachP->beginInParent, attachP->contentPos);
string content = attachP->getContent (mbox);
if (isHtml) {
string::size_type headStart (caseInsensitiveFind (content, HEAD));
LOG ("HEAD start: " << headStart);
if (headStart != string::npos) {
headStart += HEAD.length ();
string::size_type headStop (caseInsensitiveFind (content, HEAD_END, headStart));
if (headStop != string::npos) {
// to reduce the scoop of search
string oldHead (content.substr (headStart, headStop-headStart));
LOG ("HEAD start: " << headStart << " stop: " << headStop << " old: " << oldHead);
string::size_type oldCssPos (oldHead.find (KAZ_CSS_URL));
if (oldCssPos != string::npos) {
string::size_type oldStart (oldHead.rfind ('<', oldCssPos));
string::size_type oldStop (oldHead.find ('>', oldCssPos));
if (oldStart != string::npos && oldStop != string::npos) {
if (oldStop < oldHead.length () && oldHead [oldStop] == '\n')
content.erase (headStart+oldStart, oldStop-oldStart);
content.insert (headStart, "\n"+KAZ_CSS);
// else XXX pas de /head (if faut en ajouter un (avec <html> ?))
removeSection (content, KAZ_HTML_START, KAZ_HTML_STOP);
removeSection (content, KAZ_PLAIN_START, KAZ_PLAIN_STOP);
// XXX case insensitive ??
if (content.find (CID) != string::npos)
replaceAll (content, translateHtml);
attachP->replaceEmbedded (content);
if (isPlain)
removeSection (content, KAZ_PLAIN_START, KAZ_PLAIN_STOP);
if (isDisclaimer) {
if (isHtml) {
for (string endTag : {BODY_END, HTML_END}) {
LOG ("try tag: " << endTag);
string::size_type endTagStart = caseInsensitiveRFind (content, endTag);
if (endTagStart != string::npos) {
content = content.substr (0, endTagStart);
LOG ("remove tag: " << endTag << " content: " << content);
content += htmlDisclaim+BODY_END+HTML_END;
LOG ("content: " << content);
if (isPlain)
content += plainDisclaim;
attachP->println (outbox, content);
} else {
LOG_BUG (true, continue, "eMailShrinker: bug M8: can't change" << *attachP);
outbox.flush ();
curPos = attachP->endPos;
copy (mbox, outbox, curPos, endPos);
outbox.close ();
// ================================================================================