deadline a.php?g=l~k => zip a.php? => send status e-mail */ define('JIRAFEAU_ROOT', dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); require(JIRAFEAU_ROOT . 'lib/settings.php'); require(JIRAFEAU_ROOT . 'lib/functions.php'); require(JIRAFEAU_ROOT . 'lib/lang.php'); /* Operations may take a long time. * Be sure PHP's safe mode is off. */ @set_time_limit (0); /* Remove errors. */ @error_reporting (0); $do_update = false; if (isset ($_REQUEST['u']) && !empty ($_REQUEST['u'])) { $do_update = true; } $do_download = false; if (isset ($_REQUEST['g']) && !empty ($_REQUEST['g'])) { $do_download = true; } // ======================================== function return_error ($msg) { require (JIRAFEAU_ROOT.'lib/template/header.php'); echo '

' . $msg . '

'; require (JIRAFEAU_ROOT.'lib/template/footer.php'); exit; } // ======================================== /** Update link * @param $link the link's name (hash) * @param $update_period the periode (i.e in : "month") */ function jirafeau_update_link ($link_name, $link, $update_period) { $time_max = $link ['time']; $time_up = time () + $update_period; $time_more = $time_up + JIRAFEAU_HOUR; if ($time_max < 0 || $time_up < $time_max) return $time_max; $link ['time'] = $time_more; $link_tmp_name = VAR_LINKS . $link['hash'] . rand (0, 10000) . '.tmp'; $handle = fopen ($link_tmp_name, 'w'); fwrite ($handle, $link['file_name'] .NL. $link['mime_type'] .NL. $link['file_size'] .NL. $link['key'] .NL. $link['time'] .NL. $link['hash'] .NL. $link['onetime'] .' '.JIRAFEAU_MONTH . ' '. JIRAFEAU_DAY .NL. $link['upload_date'] .NL. $link['ip'] .NL. $link['link_code'] .NL. $link['crypted']); fclose ($handle); $link_file = VAR_LINKS . s2p("$link_name") . $link_name; rename ($link_tmp_name, $link_file); return $time_more; } // ======================================== function read_archive_info ($link) { $p = s2p ($link ['hash']); // read archive info $result=[]; foreach (file (VAR_FILES . $p . $link['hash']) as $line) { switch (true) { case preg_match ("/^\s*src:\s*(([a-z0-9\+_\-]+)(\.[a-z0-9\+_\-]+)*@([a-z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6})\s*$/i", $line, $matches): $result['sender'] = $matches[1]; break; case preg_match ("/^\s*time:\s*(\d{4}([:-]\d{2}){5})\s*$/i", $line, $matches): $result['timestamp'] = $matches[1]; break; case preg_match ("/^\s*old:\s*([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+)\s+([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+)\s*$/", $line, $matches): $result['old'][] = [$matches[1], $matches[2]]; break; case preg_match ("/^\s*new:\s*([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+)\s+([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+)\s*$/", $line, $matches): $result['new'][] = [$matches[1], $matches[2]]; break; default: break; } } return $result; } // ======================================== if ($do_update) { $update_period = JIRAFEAU_MONTH; switch ($_REQUEST['u']) { case 'minute': $update_period = JIRAFEAU_MINUTE; break; case 'hour': $update_period = JIRAFEAU_HOUR; break; case 'day': $update_period = JIRAFEAU_DAY; break; case 'week': $update_period = JIRAFEAU_WEEK; break; case 'month': $update_period = JIRAFEAU_MONTH; break; case 'quarter': $update_period = JIRAFEAU_QUARTER; break; case 'year': $update_period = JIRAFEAU_YEAR; break; default: return_error (t('ERR_OCC') . ' (update_period)'); } $link_name = $_GET['h']; if (!preg_match('/[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+$/', $link_name)) return_error (t('FILE_404')); $link = jirafeau_get_link($link_name); if (count($link) == 0) return_error (t('FILE_404')); $time = jirafeau_update_link($link_name, $link, $update_period); $content = '' . $time . NL; header('HTTP/1.0 200 OK'); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen ($content)); header('Content-Type: text/plain'); echo $content; exit; } // ======================================== if ($do_download) { // check archive exist $couple = explode ("~", $_REQUEST['g'], 2); if (count ($couple) == 0) return_error ("bad archive name format : ".$_REQUEST['g']); $link_name = $couple [0]; if (!$link_name || !preg_match ('/[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+$/', $link_name)) return_error ("bad archive name format : ".$_REQUEST['g']); $crypt_key = count ($couple) == 2 ? $couple [1] : ""; $link = jirafeau_get_link ($link_name); if (count ($link) == 0) return_error (t ('FILE_404')); $key = $link['key']; if ($key && (empty ($crypt_key) || $key != $crypt_key)) return_error (t ('BAD_PSW')); $archive_info = read_archive_info ($link); // check entries $archive_content = []; $modif = false; foreach (["old", "new"] as $cat) { $single_name = []; if (isset ($archive_info[$cat])) foreach ($archive_info[$cat] as [$link_name, $crypt_key]) { $link = jirafeau_get_link ($link_name); if (count ($link) == 0) { ++$archive_content[$cat]['not_found']; $modif = true; continue; } $key = $link['key']; if ($key && (empty ($crypt_key) || $key != $crypt_key)) { ++$archive_content[$cat]['bad_pass']; $modif = true; continue; } $src_name = $dst_name = $link['file_name']; if (in_array ($src_name, $single_name)) for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; ++$i) { $dst_name = sprintf ("%s-%2d", $src_name, $i); if (!in_array ($dst_name, $single_name)) { ++$archive_content[$cat]['rename']; $modif = true; break; } } $single_name [] = $dst_name; $archive_content[$cat]['entries'][] = ['hash' => $link['hash'], 'file_name' => $dst_name, 'crypt_key' => $crypt_key, 'crypted' => $link['crypted']]; } } // build zip $dirname = (isset ($archive_info['sender']) && !empty ($archive_info['sender'])) ? $archive_info['sender'] : "kaz"; $dirname .= "-" . (isset ($archive_info['timestamp']) && !empty ($archive_info['timestamp'])) ? $archive_info['timestamp'] : date ("Ymd-His"); $tmpFileName = tempnam (sys_get_temp_dir (), $dirname."-"); $zip = new ZipArchive; if (!$zip) return_error ("can't create zip"); if ($zip->open ($tmpFileName.".zip", ZipArchive::CREATE) !== TRUE) return_error ("can't open zip"); // create info XXX if ($modif) { $info = ''; $not_found = $bad_pass = $rename = 0; foreach (["old", "new"] as $cat) { if (isset ($archive_info[$cat]['not_found'])) $not_found += $archive_info[$cat]['not_found']; if (isset ($archive_info[$cat]['bad_pass'])) $bad_pass += $archive_info[$cat]['bad_pass']; if (isset ($archive_info[$cat]['rename'])) $rename += $archive_info[$cat]['rename']; } if ($not_found) $info .= $not_found. ($not_found ? " fichier est expiré." : " fichiers sont expirés.").NL; if ($bad_pass) $info .= "Mauvaise clef pour ". $bad_pass. ($bad_pass ? " fichier" : " fichiers.").NL; if ($rename) $info .= $rename. ($rename ? " fichier renommé." : " fichiers sont renommés.").NL; $zip->addFromString ($dirname."-Avertissement.txt", $info); } foreach (["old", "new"] as $cat) if (isset ($archive_info [$cat])) { $subdir = $dirname . ($cat == "new" ? "" : "/origine"); foreach ($archive_content [$cat]['entries'] as $entry) { $p = s2p ($entry ['hash']); if ($entry['crypted']) { $m = mcrypt_module_open ('rijndael-256', '', 'ofb', ''); $md5_key = md5 ($entry['crypt_key']); $iv = jirafeau_crypt_create_iv ($md5_key, mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size ($m)); mcrypt_generic_init ($m, $md5_key, $iv); $r = fopen (VAR_FILES . $p . $entry['hash'], 'r'); $content = ""; while (!feof ($r)) { $dec = mdecrypt_generic ($m, fread ($r, 1024)); $content .= $dec; ob_flush (); } fclose ($r); $zip->addFromString ($subdir."/".$entry['file_name'], $content); mcrypt_generic_deinit ($m); mcrypt_module_close ($m); continue; } $zip->addFile (VAR_FILES.$p.$entry['hash'], $subdir."/".$entry['file_name']); } } $zip->close (); if (!is_file ($tmpFileName.".zip")) return_error ("can't retreive tmp"); if (false) { // log $content = print_r ($archive_info, 1); $content .= print_r ($archive_content, 1); header('HTTP/1.0 200 OK'); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen ($content)); header('Content-Type: text/plain'); echo $content; exit; } header ("Content-Type: application/zip"); header ('Content-Disposition: filename="'.$dirname.'.zip"'); $r = fopen($tmpFileName.".zip", 'r'); while (!feof ($r)) { print fread ($r, 1024); ob_flush (); } fclose ($r); unlink ($tmpFileName.".zip"); unlink ($tmpFileName); exit; } // ======================================== // XXX form send $content = "TODO send form".NL; if (isset ($_REQUEST['s']) && !empty ($_REQUEST['s'])) { $sender=$_REQUEST ['s']; if (!preg_match("/^([a-z0-9\+_\-]+)(\.[a-z0-9\+_\-]+)*@([a-z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}$/ix", $sender)) return_error ("bad dir name format : ".$sender); $content = "${sender}".NL; } // XXX find // add link : name / time / download / delete // sort by name ? // $tmpFileName = tempnam (sys_get_temp_dir (), $dirname."-"); // $fd = fopen ($tmpFileName, "w"); // if (!$fd) // return_error ("Unable to open tmp file!"); // fwrite ($fd, $content); // fclose ($fd); header('HTTP/1.0 200 OK'); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen ($content)); header('Content-Type: text/plain'); echo $content; ?>