a.php?p=email => period
a.php?u=month&h=HHHHHHHH => update deadline
a.php?g=l~k => zip
a.php?time=month&key=password + POST file => upload
a.php? => form
a.php? + [action] => manage account
action: a=login a=logout a=r[on|off] a=p[minute|hour|day|week|month|quarter]
use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer;
use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\SMTP;
use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
define ('JIRAFEAU_ROOT', dirname (__FILE__) . '/');
require (JIRAFEAU_ROOT . 'lib/settings.php');
require (JIRAFEAU_ROOT . 'lib/functions.php');
require (JIRAFEAU_ROOT . 'lib/lang.php');
define ('VAR_TOKENS', $cfg ['var_root'].'tokens/');
define ('VAR_TRACKS', $cfg ['var_root'].'tracks/');
define ('VAR_PERIOD', $cfg ['var_root'].'period/');
define ('VAR_FAKE', $cfg ['var_root'].'fake/');
define ('VAR_PRIVATE', $cfg ['var_root'].'private/');
define ('MAX_VALID_UPLOAD_TIME', 60);
define ('TOKEN_USE_LIMIT', "-2 hours");
define ('TOKEN_LOGIN_LIMIT', "-15 minutes");
define ('TOKEN_LOGOUT_LIMIT', "-8 hours");
define ('DEFAULT_PERIOD', "month");
define ('E_BAD_ARCHIVE_NAME', 'Bad archive name format');
define ('E_CREATE_ZIP', "Impossible de créer l'archive.");
define ('E_OPEN_ZIP', "Impossible d'ouvrir l'archive.");
define ('M_BAD_KEY', "Mauvaise clef pour ");
define ('M_BAD_SENDER_NAME', 'Votre mèl est incorrect');
define ('M_BAD_TOKEN', "Vous n'utilisez pas le bon jeton (consultez votre messagerie).");
define ('M_TOO_LONG_BEFORE_LOGGED', "Jeton de connexion trop ancien.");
define ('M_TOO_LONG_LOGGED', "Temps de connexion dépassé.");
define ('M_EMAIL_CONTENT', "Bonjour,
Ceci est un message automatique, car vous venez de cliquer sur une demande de consultation de vos pièces jointes.
!!! Si vous n'êtes pas à l'origine de cette demande, ne cliquez sur aucun lien de ce message. !!!
Le lien de connexion suivant est valable 15 minutes.
Vous pouvez signaler des abus auprès de Kaz en faisant suivre ce message qui contient les traces de son émetteur (___IP___, ___DATE___).
Bonne navigation.
define ('M_DOWNLOAD', "Télécharger");
define ('M_UPDATE', "Prolonger");
define ('M_EMAIL_SUBJECT', "Lien de consultation des envois de pièces jointes.");
define ('M_FILE', " fichier.");
define ('M_FILES', " fichiers.");
define ('M_FILES_NOT_FOUND', " fichiers sont expirés.");
define ('M_FILES_RENAMED', " fichiers renommés.");
define ('M_FILE_NOT_FOUND', " fichier est expiré.");
define ('M_FILE_RENAMED', " fichier renommé.");
define ('M_INTRO_FORM', "Quelles sont les informations me concernant ?");
define ('M_MEL', "votre mèl");
define ('M_NO_FILENAME', 'SansNom');
define ('M_NO_SENDER', 'kaz-');
define ('M_NEW_ATTACHEMENT_DIRNAME', "nouveau");
define ('M_OLD_ATTACHEMENT_DIRNAME', "ancien");
define ('M_SEND', "Connexion");
define ('M_LOGOUT', 'Deconnecter');
define ('M_REFRESH', 'Actualiser');
define ('M_LOGOUT_TOKEN', "Vous n'êtes plus connecté.");
define ('M_SEND_TOKEN', "
Vous allez recevoir un lien d'accès temporaire à vos données.
"); define ('M_WELCOME', "Informations concernant le compte : ___SENDER___
(page actualisée à ___DATE___)
' . $msg . '
"; $error = true; break; } } return $error ? [] : $archive; } // ======================================== function getFileName ($hash) { $p = s2p ($hash); return VAR_FILES.$p.$hash; } function getTimeFile ($hash) { $f = getFileName ($hash); return file_exists ($f) ? filemtime ($f) : 0; } function valideTime ($t1, $t2) { global $message; return abs ($t1 - $t2) < MAX_VALID_UPLOAD_TIME; } // ======================================== /** Update link * @param $link the link's name (hash) * @param $update_period the period (i.e in : "month") */ function updateLink ($link_name, $link, $maxLimit) { $time_max = $link ['time']; if ($time_max < 0 || $maxLimit < $time_max) return $time_max; $time_more = $maxLimit + JIRAFEAU_MINUTE; $link ['time'] = $time_more; $link_tmp_name = VAR_LINKS . $link ['hash'] . rand (0, 10000) . '.tmp'; $handle = fopen ($link_tmp_name, 'w'); fwrite ($handle, $link ['file_name'] .NL. $link ['mime_type'] .NL. $link ['file_size'] .NL. $link ['key'] .NL. $link ['time'] .NL. $link ['hash'] .NL. $link ['onetime'] .' '.JIRAFEAU_MONTH . ' '. JIRAFEAU_DAY .NL. $link ['upload_date'] .NL. $link ['ip'] .NL. $link ['link_code'] .NL. $link ['crypted']); fclose ($handle); $link_file = VAR_LINKS . s2p ("$link_name") . $link_name; rename ($link_tmp_name, $link_file); return $time_more; } // ======================================== function sendEMail ($receiver, $receiver_name, $subject, $body_string){ try { // SERVER SETTINGS $mail = new PHPMailer (true); $mail->isSMTP (); $mail->Host = 'smtp'; $mail->SMTPAuth = false; $mail->SMTPAutoTLS = false; $mail->SMTPSecure = "none"; $mail->Port = 25; $mail->charSet = "UTF-8"; $mail->ContentType = 'text/html'; //Recipients (change this for every project) $mail->setFrom ('no-reply@kaz.local', ''); $mail->addAddress ($receiver, $receiver_name); //Content $mail->isHTML (true); $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $body_string; //send the message, check for errors if (!$mail->send ()) { //echo 'Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo; return 0; } else { //echo 'Message sent!'; return 1; } } catch (Exception $e) { return 0; } } // ======================================== function cleanToken () { if (!file_exists (VAR_TOKENS)) mkdir (VAR_TOKENS, 0755); $d = dir (VAR_TOKENS); $oldest = strtotime (TOKEN_USE_LIMIT); foreach (glob (VAR_TOKENS."*") as $file) { if (filemtime ($file) <= $oldest) unlink ($file); } } function rmToken ($sender) { if (!$sender) return; if (file_exists (VAR_TOKENS.$sender)) unlink (VAR_TOKENS.$sender); } function setToken ($sender) { if (!$sender) return; $token = md5 (rand ()); if (file_put_contents (VAR_TOKENS.$sender, T_CREATE.": ".time ().NL.T_TOKEN.": ".$token.NL)) return $token; return false; } function setLoggedToken ($sender, $token) { if (!$sender || !$token) return; file_put_contents (VAR_TOKENS.$sender, T_CREATE.": ".time ().NL.T_TOKEN.": ".$token.NL.T_LOGGED.": ok".NL); } function getTokenVar ($sender, $varName) { if (!$sender) return; if (!file_exists (VAR_TOKENS.$sender)) return false; $content = file_get_contents (VAR_TOKENS.$sender); if (preg_match ("/\b".$varName.":\s*([^\s]+)\n/", $content, $matches)) return $matches [1]; return false; } function getToken ($sender) { return getTokenVar ($sender, T_TOKEN,); } function getCreateToken ($sender) { return getTokenVar ($sender, T_CREATE); } function getLoggedToken ($sender) { return getTokenVar ($sender, T_LOGGED); } function getTimeToken ($sender) { if (!$sender || !file_exists (VAR_TOKENS.$sender)) return false; return filemtime (VAR_TOKENS.$sender); } // ======================================== if ($doUpload) { $maxtime = time ()+period2seconds ($_REQUEST ['time']); $key = isset ($_REQUEST ['key']) ? $_REQUEST ['key'] : ''; $ip = $_SERVER ['HTTP_X_REAL_IP']; // XXX $res = jirafeau_upload ( $_FILES['file'], isset ($_POST ['one_time_download']), $key, $maxtime, $ip, $cfg['enable_crypt'], $cfg['link_name_length'], $cfg['file_hash'] ); if (! count ($res ['error']) || $res['error']['has_error']) $content = 'Error 6 ' . $res['error']['why']; else $content = $res ['link'].NL.$res ['delete_link'].NL; header ('HTTP/1.0 200 OK'); header ('Content-Length: ' . strlen ($content)); header ('Content-Type: text/plain'); echo $content; exit; } // ======================================== if ($doUpdate) { $maxTime = time ()+period2seconds ($_REQUEST [A_UPDATE]); // XXX issue ")" if (!preg_match ('/([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+)\)?$/', $_REQUEST [A_HASH], $matches)) returnError (t ('FILE_404')); $linkName = $matches [1]; $link = jirafeau_get_link ($linkName); if (count ($link) == 0) returnError (t ('FILE_404')); $time = updateLink ($linkName, $link, $maxTime); $content = '' . $time . NL; if (isKazArchive ($link)) { $archiveInfo = readArchiveFromLink ($l); if (count ($archiveInfo)) { foreach ([T_OLD, T_NEW] as $cat) if (isset ($archiveInfo [$cat])) foreach ($archiveInfo [$cat] as [$linkName, $cryptKey]) updateLink ($linkName, jirafeau_get_link ($linkName), $maxTime); } } header ('HTTP/1.0 200 OK'); header ('Content-Length: ' . strlen ($content)); header ('Content-Type: text/plain'); echo $content; exit; } $sender = ''; $senderError = false; if (isset ($_REQUEST [A_SENDER]) && !empty ($_REQUEST [A_SENDER])) { // XXX //if (!preg_match ("/^([a-z0-9\+_\-]+)(\.[a-z0-9\+_\-]+)*@([a-z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}$/i", $_REQUEST [A_SENDER])) if (!preg_match ("/^([a-z0-9\+_\-]+)(\.[a-z0-9\+_\-]+)*@([a-z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}$/i", $_REQUEST [A_SENDER])) $senderError=true; else { cleanToken (); $sender = $_REQUEST [A_SENDER]; } } // ======================================== if ($doDownload) { // check archive exist $couple = explode ("~", $_REQUEST [A_GET], 2); if (count ($couple) == 0) returnError (E_BAD_ARCHIVE_NAME); $linkName = $couple [0]; if (!$linkName || !preg_match ('/[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+$/', $linkName)) returnError (E_BAD_ARCHIVE_NAME); $cryptKey = count ($couple) == 2 ? $couple [1] : ""; $link = jirafeau_get_link ($linkName); if (count ($link) == 0) returnError (t ('FILE_404')); $key = $link ['key']; if ($key && (empty ($cryptKey) || $key != $cryptKey)) returnError (t ('BAD_PSW')); $archiveInfo = readArchiveFromLink ($link); // check entries $archiveContent = []; $modif = false; $singleName = []; foreach ([T_OLD, T_NEW] as $cat) if (isset ($archiveInfo [$cat])) foreach ($archiveInfo [$cat] as [$linkName, $cryptKey]) { $link = jirafeau_get_link ($linkName); if (count ($link) == 0) { if (isset ($archiveContent [T_NOT_FOUND])) ++$archiveContent [T_NOT_FOUND]; else $archiveContent [T_NOT_FOUND] = 1; $modif = true; continue; } $key = $link ['key']; if ($key && (empty ($cryptKey) || $key != $cryptKey)) { if (isset ($archiveContent [T_BAD_PASW])) ++$archiveContent [T_BAD_PASW]; else $archiveContent [T_BAD_PASW] = 1; $modif = true; continue; } $srcName = $dstName = ($link ['file_name'] ? $link ['file_name'] : M_NO_FILENAME); if (in_array ($srcName, $singleName)) for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; ++$i) { $dstName = sprintf ("%s-%2d", $srcName, $i); if (!in_array ($dstName, $singleName)) { if (isset ($archiveContent [T_RENAME])) ++$archiveContent [T_RENAME]; else $archiveContent [T_RENAME] = 1; $modif = true; break; } } $singleName [] = $dstName; $archiveContent [$cat][T_ENTRIES][] = [T_HASH => $link ['hash'], T_FILENAME => $dstName, T_CRYPT_KEY => $cryptKey, T_CRYPTED => $link ['crypted']]; } // build zip $dirname = M_NO_SENDER.(isset ($archiveInfo [T_TIME]) && !empty ($archiveInfo [T_TIME])) ? $archiveInfo [T_TIME] : date ("Y-m-d-H:i:s"); $dirname = str_replace (":", "_", $dirname); $tmpFileName = tempnam (sys_get_temp_dir (), $dirname."-"); $zip = new ZipArchive; if (!$zip) returnError (E_CREATE_ZIP); if ($zip->open ($tmpFileName.T_ZIP_EXT, ZipArchive::CREATE) !== TRUE) returnError (E_OPEN_ZIP); // create info if ($modif) { $info = ''; if (isset ($archiveContent [T_NOT_FOUND])) $info .= $archiveContent [T_NOT_FOUND]. ($archiveContent [T_NOT_FOUND] ? M_FILE_NOT_FOUND : M_FILES_NOT_FOUND).NL; if (isset ($archiveContent [T_BAD_PASW])) $info .= M_BAD_KEY. $archiveContent [T_BAD_PASW]. ($archiveContent [T_BAD_PASW] ? M_FILE : M_FILES).NL; if (isset ($archiveContent [T_RENAME])) $info .= $archiveContent [T_RENAME]. ($archiveContent [T_RENAME] ? M_FILE_RENAMED : M_FILES_RENAMED).NL; $zip->addFromString ($dirname.T_WARNING_FILENAME, $info); } foreach ([T_OLD, T_NEW] as $cat) if (isset ($archiveContent [$cat])) { $subdir = $dirname . "-".($cat == T_NEW ? M_NEW_ATTACHEMENT_DIRNAME : M_OLD_ATTACHEMENT_DIRNAME); foreach ($archiveContent [$cat][T_ENTRIES] as $entry) { $p = s2p ($entry [T_HASH]); if ($entry [T_CRYPTED]) { $m = mcrypt_module_open ('rijndael-256', '', 'ofb', ''); $md5_key = md5 ($entry [T_CRYPT_KEY]); $iv = jirafeau_crypt_create_iv ($md5Key, mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size ($m)); mcrypt_generic_init ($m, $md5Key, $iv); $r = fopen (VAR_FILES . $p . $entry [T_HASH], 'r'); $content = ""; while (!feof ($r)) { $dec = mdecrypt_generic ($m, fread ($r, 1024)); $content .= $dec; ob_flush (); } fclose ($r); $zip->addFromString ($subdir."/".$entry [T_FILENAME], $content); mcrypt_generic_deinit ($m); mcrypt_module_close ($m); continue; } $zip->addFile (VAR_FILES.$p.$entry [T_HASH], $subdir."/".$entry [T_FILENAME]); } } $zip->close (); if (false) { // log $message .= print_r ($archiveInfo, 1); $message .= print_r ($archiveContent, 1); header ('HTTP/1.0 200 OK'); header ('Content-Length: ' . strlen ($message)); header ('Content-Type: text/plain'); echo $message; exit; } if (!is_file ($tmpFileName.T_ZIP_EXT,)) returnError (E_OPEN_ZIP); header ("Content-Type: application/zip"); header ('Content-Disposition: filename="'.$dirname.'.zip"'); $r = fopen ($tmpFileName.".zip", 'r'); while (!feof ($r)) { print fread ($r, 1024); ob_flush (); } fclose ($r); unlink ($tmpFileName.".zip"); unlink ($tmpFileName); exit; } // ======================================== // form $token = ''; if (isset ($_REQUEST [A_TOKEN]) && !empty ($_REQUEST [A_TOKEN])) { if (!preg_match ("/^([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+)$/", $_REQUEST [A_TOKEN])) return false; $token = $_REQUEST [A_TOKEN]; } $refToken = getToken ($sender); $urlBase = $_SERVER ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']."://".$_SERVER ['HTTP_HOST']; if (isset ($_REQUEST [A_ACTION]) && $_REQUEST [A_ACTION] == T_LOGIN && $sender) { require (JIRAFEAU_ROOT . 'lib/template/header.php'); if (getSenderFake ($sender)) echo "Ce compte ne peut plus se connecter. Veuillez contacter les administrateurs."; else { $token = setToken ($sender); // XXX test token $url = $urlBase.$_SERVER ['SCRIPT_NAME']."?".A_SENDER."=".$sender."&".A_TOKEN."=".$token; $result = sendEMail ($sender, "", M_EMAIL_SUBJECT, str_replace (["___LINK___", "___IP___", "___DATE___"], [$url, $_SERVER ['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'] , date ("Y-m-d H:i:s")], M_EMAIL_CONTENT)); if ($result) echo M_SEND_TOKEN; else echo "Erreur dans l'envoi. Véritiez votre mèl."; } echo "".M_BAD_SENDER_NAME."
"; else if (($token && !$refToken) || !getLoggedToken ($sender)) echo "".M_TOO_LONG_BEFORE_LOGGED."
"; else if ($token && $token != $refToken) echo "".M_BAD_TOKEN."
"; else if (getCreateToken ($sender) < strtotime (TOKEN_LOGOUT_LIMIT)) echo "".M_TOO_LONG_LOGGED."
"; ?> ".print_r ($link, 1)." mt: ".getTimeFile ($link ['hash']).""; if (!count ($link)) return; if (isKazArchive ($link)) { $dirName = $linkName; $dirLink = $link; $dirTime = $dirLink ['upload_date']; $archiveInfo = readArchiveFromLink ($dirLink); if (! count ($archiveInfo)) return; if ($sender != $archiveInfo [T_SENDER]) { setSenderFake ("rmdir: not owner", $sender, $archiveInfo [T_SENDER], $dirLink, null); $message .= "Tentative de supprimer un envoi dont vous n'êtes pas le propriétaire"; return; } $fileToDelete = false; if ($archiveInfo [T_NEW]) foreach ($archiveInfo [T_NEW] as [$fileName, $cryptKey]) { $fileLink = jirafeau_get_link ($fileName); if (! count ($fileLink)) continue; $fileTime = $fileLink ['upload_date']; if (! valideTime ($dirTime, $fileTime)) { setSenderFake ("rmdir: newfile not same time", $sender, null, $dirLink, $fileLink); $message .= "Cet envoi a été forgée". str_replace (["___FILENAME___", "___DIRTIME___", "___FILETIME___"], [$fileLink ['file_name'], $dirTime , $fileTime], M_INCONSISTENT_DATES); return; } $fileToDelete = true; } $message .= "l'envoi ".$archiveInfo [T_TIME]." est supprimé"; if ($fileToDelete) $message .= " avecInfo : ".$message."
"; echo M_LOGOUT; require (JIRAFEAU_ROOT.'lib/template/footer.php'); exit; } if (isset ($_REQUEST [A_ACTION])) { // change track switch (true) { case preg_match ("/^".A_RECORD."(on|off)$/i", $_REQUEST [A_ACTION], $matches): if ($matches [1] == "on") setSenderTrack ($sender); else rmSenderTrack ($sender); $message .= "Votre suivi à été mise à jour."; break; case preg_match ("/^".A_PERIOD."(".implode ("|", array_keys ($periodText)).")$/i", $_REQUEST [A_ACTION], $matches): setSenderPeriod ($sender, $matches [1]); $message .= "Votre période à été mise à jour."; break; } } // list $archives = []; $stack = array (VAR_LINKS); while ( ($d = array_shift ($stack)) && $d != null) { $dir = scandir ($d); foreach ($dir as $dirName) { if (strcmp ($dirName, '.') == 0 || strcmp ($dirName, '..') == 0 || preg_match ('/\.tmp/i', "$dirName")) { continue; } if (is_dir ($d . $dirName)) { /* Push new found directory. */ $stack [] = $d . $dirName . '/'; continue; } /* Read link informations. */ $l = jirafeau_get_link ($dirName); if (!count ($l)) continue; if (!isKazArchive ($l)) continue; $archiveInfo = readArchiveFromLink ($l); if ($sender != $archiveInfo [T_SENDER]) continue; $archiveInfo ['link'] = $dirName; $archiveInfo ['key'] = $l ['key']; $archiveInfo ['maxtime'] = $l ['time']; $archiveInfo ['hash'] = $l ['hash']; $archives [] = $archiveInfo; } } require (JIRAFEAU_ROOT . 'lib/template/header.php'); echo str_replace (["___SENDER___", "___DATE___"], [$sender, jirafeau_get_datetimefield (time ())], M_WELCOME); if ($message) echo "Info : ".$message."
"; echo ' '. 'Je veux que Kaz suive tous mes futurs envois: '. ''. ''; foreach ($trackText as $item => $text) echo ''.$text.' '; echo ''. ''. ''. ''; $userSise = 0; $userTab = []; if ($archives) { foreach ($archives as $archiveInfo) { $contentSize = 0; $archContent = ''; foreach ([T_NEW, T_OLD] as $cat) { $liStyle = $cat == T_NEW ? "font-weight: bold;" : "font-style: italic;"; if (isset ($archiveInfo [$cat])) foreach ($archiveInfo [$cat] as [$linkName, $cryptKey]) { $link = jirafeau_get_link ($linkName); if (count ($link) == 0) continue; if ($cat == T_NEW ) $contentSize += $link ['file_size']; $lf = $linkName; $kf = $link ['key']; $archContent .= 'Votre compte occupe '.jirafeau_human_size ($userSise).'.
'. ''; if (count ($userTab)) { foreach ($userTab as $time => $entry) echo $entry; } else echo "Il n'y a aucune information vous concernant.
"; require (JIRAFEAU_ROOT.'lib/template/footer.php'); exit; // ========================================