/// Phantom by HTML5 UP
/// html5up.net | @ajlkn
/// Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license)

/* Form */

	form {
		margin: 0 0 _size(element-margin) 0;
		overflow-x: hidden;

		> :last-child {
			margin-bottom: 0;

		> .fields  {
			$gutter: (_size(element-margin) * 0.75);

			@include vendor('display', 'flex');
			@include vendor('flex-wrap', 'wrap');
			width: calc(100% + #{$gutter * 2});
			margin: ($gutter * -1) 0 _size(element-margin) ($gutter * -1);

			> .field {
				@include vendor('flex-grow', '0');
				@include vendor('flex-shrink', '0');
				padding: $gutter 0 0 $gutter;
				width: calc(100% - #{$gutter * 1});

				&.half {
					width: calc(50% - #{$gutter * 0.5});

				&.third {
					width: calc(#{100% / 3} - #{$gutter * (1 / 3)});

				&.quarter {
					width: calc(25% - #{$gutter * 0.25});

		@include breakpoint('<=xsmall') {
			> .fields {
				$gutter: (_size(element-margin) * 0.75);

				width: calc(100% + #{$gutter * 2});
				margin: ($gutter * -1) 0 _size(element-margin) ($gutter * -1);

				> .field {
					padding: $gutter 0 0 $gutter;
					width: calc(100% - #{$gutter * 1});

					&.half {
						width: calc(100% - #{$gutter * 1});

					&.third {
						width: calc(100% - #{$gutter * 1});

					&.quarter {
						width: calc(100% - #{$gutter * 1});

	label {
		display: block;
		font-size: 0.9em;
		font-weight: _font(weight-bold);
		margin: 0 0 (_size(element-margin) * 0.5) 0;

	textarea {
		@include vendor('appearance', 'none');
		background-color: transparent;
		border: none;
		border-radius: 0;
		border-bottom: solid _size(border-width) _palette(border);
		color: inherit;
		display: block;
		outline: 0;
		padding: 0;
		text-decoration: none;
		width: 100%;

		&:invalid {
			box-shadow: none;

		&:focus {
			border-bottom-color: _palette(accent1);
			box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 0 _palette(accent1);

	select {
		background-image: svg-url("<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='40' height='40' preserveAspectRatio='none' viewBox='0 0 40 40'><path d='M9.4,12.3l10.4,10.4l10.4-10.4c0.2-0.2,0.5-0.4,0.9-0.4c0.3,0,0.6,0.1,0.9,0.4l3.3,3.3c0.2,0.2,0.4,0.5,0.4,0.9 c0,0.4-0.1,0.6-0.4,0.9L20.7,31.9c-0.2,0.2-0.5,0.4-0.9,0.4c-0.3,0-0.6-0.1-0.9-0.4L4.3,17.3c-0.2-0.2-0.4-0.5-0.4-0.9 c0-0.4,0.1-0.6,0.4-0.9l3.3-3.3c0.2-0.2,0.5-0.4,0.9-0.4S9.1,12.1,9.4,12.3z' fill='#{_palette(border)}' /></svg>");
		background-size: 1.25rem;
		background-repeat: no-repeat;
		background-position: calc(100% - 1rem) center;
		height: _size(element-height);
		padding-right: _size(element-height);
		text-overflow: ellipsis;

		option {
			color: _palette(fg-bold);
			background: _palette(bg);

		&:focus {
			&::-ms-value {
				background-color: transparent;

		&::-ms-expand {
			display: none;

	select {
		height: _size(element-height);

	textarea {
		padding: 0;
		min-height: (_size(element-height) * 1.25);

	input[type="radio"], {
		@include vendor('appearance', 'none');
		display: block;
		float: left;
		margin-right: -2em;
		opacity: 0;
		width: 1em;
		z-index: -1;

		& + label {
			@include icon(false, solid);
			color: _palette(fg);
			cursor: pointer;
			display: inline-block;
			font-size: 1em;
			font-weight: _font(weight);
			padding-left: (_size(element-height) * 0.6) + 0.75em;
			padding-right: 0.75em;
			position: relative;

			&:before {
				border-radius: _size(border-radius);
				border: solid _size(border-width) _palette(border);
				content: '';
				display: inline-block;
				font-size: 0.8em;
				height: (_size(element-height) * 0.75);
				left: 0;
				line-height: (_size(element-height) * 0.75);
				position: absolute;
				text-align: center;
				top: 0;
				width: (_size(element-height) * 0.75);

		&:checked + label {
			&:before {
				background: _palette(fg);
				border-color: _palette(fg);
				color: _palette(bg);
				content: '\f00c';

		&:focus + label {
			&:before {
				border-color: _palette(accent1);
				box-shadow: 0 0 0 _size(border-width) _palette(accent1);

	input[type="checkbox"] {
		& + label {
			&:before {
				border-radius: _size(border-radius);

	input[type="radio"] {
		& + label {
			&:before {
				border-radius: 100%;