#!/bin/bash # l'idée et de faire un rsync dans un répertoir provisoire et de téléverser les différences. # initialilisation : # cd /MonRepDeTest # mkdir -p kazdev kazprod # rsync -rlptDEHAX --delete --info=progress2 root@kazdev:/kaz/ ./kazdev/ # rsync -rlptDEHAX --delete --info=progress2 root@kazprod:/kaz/ ./kazprod/ # exemple : # cd /MonRepDeTest/kazdev/ # ./dockers/rdiff.sh /MonRepDeTest/kazprod/ root@kazprod # cd /MonRepDeTest/kazprod/ # ./dockers/rdiff.sh /MonRepDeTest/kazdev/ root@kazdev export KAZ_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname $0)/.."; pwd) . "${KAZ_ROOT}/bin/.commonFunctions.sh" setKazVars export REF_DIRS="bin config dockers secret.tmpl" export SIMU="" usage () { echo "Usage: $0 [-n] [-h]" echo " -h help" echo " -n simulation" exit 1 } for ARG in $@ do case "${ARG}" in '-h' | '-help' ) usage ;; '-n' ) shift export SIMU="echo" ;; esac done if [[ $# -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Illegal number of parameters" usage fi ######################################## # check system for prg in git ssh rsync kompare; do if ! type "${prg}" > /dev/null; then printKazError "$0 need ${prg}" echo "please run \"apt-get install ${prg}\"" exit fi done ######################################## # config declare -a SKIP_FILE export SKIP_FILE=$(grep -v -e ^# -e ^$ "${KAZ_CONF_DIR}/skip-file.txt") KAZ_CFG_UPDATED="" KAZ_UPDATE_ENV="${KAZ_CONF_DIR}/updateGit.conf" if [ -f "${KAZ_UPDATE_ENV}" ]; then . "${KAZ_UPDATE_ENV}" else KAZ_SRC_TYPE="VAGRANT" KAZ_VAGRANT_ROOT="~/kaz-vagrant" KAZ_DEV_REMOTE="root@kazdev" KAZ_DEV_ROOT="/kaz" KAZ_PROD_REMOTE="root@kazprod" KAZ_PROD_ROOT="/kaz" KAZ_OTHER_REMOTE="" KAZ_OTHER_ROOT="~/git/kaz" fi while : ; do read -p " Form which tested server ([Vagrant|DEV|PROD|OTHER]) you want updaye git KAZ? [${KAZ_SRC_TYPE}]: " rep case "${rep}" in "") break ;; [vV]*) KAZ_SRC_TYPE="VAGRANT" KAZ_CFG_UPDATED="true" break ;; [dD]*) KAZ_SRC_TYPE="DEV" KAZ_CFG_UPDATED="true" break ;; [pP]*) KAZ_SRC_TYPE="PROD" KAZ_CFG_UPDATED="true" break ;; [oO]*) KAZ_SRC_TYPE="OTHER" KAZ_CFG_UPDATED="true" break ;; * ) printKazError "\"${rep}\" not match with [Vagrant|DEV|PROD|OTHER]." ;; esac done case "${KAZ_SRC_TYPE}" in VAGRANT) while : ; do read -p " Give kaz-vagrant root? [${KAZ_VAGRANT_ROOT}]: " vagrantPath if [ -z "${vagrantPath}" ]; then vagrantPath="${KAZ_VAGRANT_ROOT}" else KAZ_CFG_UPDATED="true" fi if [ ! -d "${vagrantPath/#\~/${HOME}}" ]; then printKazError "${vagrantPath} doesn't exist" continue fi KAZ_VAGRANT_ROOT="${vagrantPath}" KAZ_VAGRANT_PAHT="$(cd "${vagrantPath/#\~/${HOME}}" 2>/dev/null; pwd)" (for sign in .git .vagrant; do if [ ! -d "${KAZ_VAGRANT_PAHT}/${sign}" ]; then printKazError "${KAZ_VAGRANT_PAHT} not contains ${sign}" exit 1 fi done exit 0 ) && break; done ;; DEV|PROD|OTHER) case "${KAZ_SRC_TYPE}" in DEV) remoteUser="${KAZ_DEV_REMOTE}" remotePath="${KAZ_DEV_ROOT}" ;; PROD) remoteUser="${KAZ_PROD_REMOTE}" remotePath="${KAZ_PROD_ROOT}" ;; OTHER) remoteUser="${KAZ_OTHER_REMOTE}" remotePath="${KAZ_OTHER_ROOT}" ;; esac while : ; do read -p "Give remote access? [${remoteUser}]: " rep case "${rep}" in "" ) break ;; * ) if [[ "${rep}" =~ ^([a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@)?[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+$ ]]; then remoteUser="${rep}" break else printKazError "${rep} not match with [user@server]" fi ;; esac done while : ; do read -p "Give remote path? [${remotePath}]: " rep case "${rep}" in "" ) break ;; * ) if [[ "${rep}" =~ ^~?[a-zA-Z0-9/._-]*/$ ]]; then remotePath="${rep}" break else printKazError "${rep} not match with [path]" fi ;; esac done case "${KAZ_SRC_TYPE}" in DEV) if [ "${remoteUser}" != "${KAZ_DEV_REMOTE}" ]; then KAZ_DEV_REMOTE="${remoteUser}"; KAZ_CFG_UPDATED="true" fi if [ "${remotePath}" != "${KAZ_DEV_ROOT}" ]; then KAZ_DEV_ROOT="${remotePath}"; KAZ_CFG_UPDATED="true" fi ;; PROD) if [ "${remoteUser}" != "${KAZ_PROD_REMOTE}" ]; then KAZ_PROD_REMOTE="${remoteUser}"; KAZ_CFG_UPDATED="true" fi if [ "${remotePath}" != "${KAZ_PROD_ROOT}" ]; then KAZ_PROD_ROOT="${remotePath}"; KAZ_CFG_UPDATED="true" fi ;; OTHER) if [ "${remoteUser}" != "${KAZ_OTHER_REMOTE}" ]; then KAZ_OTHER_REMOTE="${remoteUser}"; KAZ_CFG_UPDATED="true" fi if [ "${remotePath}" != "${KAZ_OTHER_ROOT}" ]; then KAZ_OTHER_ROOT="${remotePath}"; KAZ_CFG_UPDATED="true" fi ;; esac ;; esac if [ -n "${KAZ_CFG_UPDATED}" ]; then printKazMsg "Update ${KAZ_UPDATE_ENV}" cat > "${KAZ_UPDATE_ENV}" <&1 >/dev/null)"; do printKazError "ssh key has changed" echo "you must call :" echo "${YELLOW} ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts -R \"[]:2222\"${NC}" checkContinue done # XXX remote root ${SIMU} rsync -rlptDEHAX --no-o --delete --info=progress2 \ -e "ssh -p 2222 -i ${KAZ_VAGRANT_ROOT/#\~/${HOME}}/.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key" \ $(for i in ${REF_DIRS} git download ; do echo "vagrant@$i" ; done) \ "${TESTED_DIR}" ;; DEV|PROD|OTHER) # remoteUser is already set case "${KAZ_SRC_TYPE}" in DEV) remoteUser="${KAZ_DEV_REMOTE}"; remotePath="${KAZ_DEV_ROOT}" ;; PROD) remoteUser="${KAZ_PROD_REMOTE}"; remotePath="${KAZ_PROD_ROOT}" ;; OTHER) remoteUser="${KAZ_OTHER_REMOTE}"; remotePath="${KAZ_OTHER_ROOT}" ;; esac ${SIMU} rsync -rlptDEHAX --no-o --delete --info=progress2 \ $(for i in ${REF_DIRS} ; do echo "${remoteUser}:${remotePath}$i" ; done) \ "${TESTED_DIR}" ;; esac cd "${TESTED_DIR}" badName(){ [[ -z "$1" ]] && return 0 for item in ${SKIP_FILE[@]}; do [[ "$1/" =~ "${item}" ]] && return 0 done return 1 } declare -a CHANGED_DIRS CHANGED_DIRS=$(find ${REF_DIRS} -type d ! -exec /bin/test -d "${KAZ_ROOT}/{}" \; -print -prune) for file in ${CHANGED_DIRS[@]}; do if badName "${file}" ; then echo SKIP ${file} continue fi printKazMsg "New dir ${file}" while true; do read -p "Synchronize ${GREEN}${file}/${NC} to ${GREEN}${KAZ_ROOT}/${file}/${NC}? [y/n/i/help]: " yn case $yn in [Yy]*) ${SIMU} rsync -rlptDEHAX --info=progress2 "${file}/" "${KAZ_ROOT}/${file}/" (cd "${KAZ_ROOT}" ; git add "${file}/" ) break ;; ""|[Nn]*) break ;; [Ii]*) # add to skip echo "${file}" >> "${KAZ_CONF_DIR}/skip-file.txt" break ;; *) echo -e \ " yes: add all subdir ${file} in git\n" \ " no: don't update git\n" \ " ignore: never ask this question\n" \ " help: print this help" ;; esac done done declare -a NEW_FILES NEW_FILES=$(find ${REF_DIRS} '(' -type d ! -exec /bin/test -d "${KAZ_ROOT}/{}" \; -prune ')' -o '(' -type f ! -exec /bin/test -f "${KAZ_ROOT}/{}" \; -print ')') for file in ${NEW_FILES[@]}; do if badName "${file}" ; then echo SKIP ${file} continue fi echo "New file ${file}" while true; do read -p "Synchronize ${GREEN}${file}${NC} to ${GREEN}${KAZ_ROOT}/${file}${NC}? [y/n/i/help]: " yn case $yn in [Yy]*) ${SIMU} rsync -rlptDEHAX --info=progress2 "${file}" "${KAZ_ROOT}/${file}" (cd "${KAZ_ROOT}" ; git add "${file}" ) break ;; [Nn]*) break ;; [Ii]*) # add to skip echo "${file}" >> "${KAZ_CONF_DIR}/skip-file.txt" break ;; *) echo -e \ " yes: add all subdir ${file} in git\n" \ " no: don't update git\n" \ " ignore: never ask this question\n" \ " help: print this help" ;; esac done done trap 'rm -f "${TMPFILE}"' EXIT export TMPFILE="$(mktemp)" || exit 1 CHANGED_FILES=$(find ${REF_DIRS} '(' -type d ! -exec /bin/test -d "${KAZ_ROOT}/{}" \; -prune ')' -o '(' -type f -exec /bin/test -f "${KAZ_ROOT}/{}" \; ! -exec cmp -s "{}" "${KAZ_ROOT}/{}" \; -print ')') for file in ${CHANGED_FILES[@]} ; do if badName "${file}" ; then echo SKIP ${file} continue fi echo "TEST ${file}" kompare "${file}" "${KAZ_ROOT}/${file}" if [ "${KAZ_ROOT}/${file}" -ot "${TMPFILE}" ]; then echo "No change of ${KAZ_ROOT}/${file}" continue fi chmod --reference="${file}" "${KAZ_ROOT}/${file}" done echo while : ; do read -p "Do you want to keep ${TESTED_DIR} to speed up next download? [yes]" rep case "${rep}" in ""|[yYoO]* ) break ;; [Nn]* ) rm -r "${TESTED_DIR}" ;; * ) echo "Please answer yes no." ;; esac done cd "${KAZ_ROOT}" echo -e "\nThe git will now commit in ${CURRENT_BRANCH}" checkContinue git commit -a echo -e "\nThe git will now pull in ${CURRENT_BRANCH}" checkContinue git pull printKazError "\nCheck if any confict" #XXX check conflict echo -e "\nThe git will now push in ${CURRENT_BRANCH}" checkContinue git push printKazMsg "\nYou have to logged on ${KAZ_SRC_TYPE}, and launch:\n" echo -e \ " ssh root@host\n" \ " cd /kaz\n" \ " git reset --hard\n" \ " git pull" printKazMsg "\nIf you want to promote in master branch:\n" \ echo -e \ " git checkout master\n" \ " git pull\n" \ " git merge develop\n" \ "${RED}check if confict${NC}\n" \ " git commit -a \n" \ " git push\n"