# commun fonctions for KAZ #TODO; toutes les fonctions ci-dessous devraient être commentées #KI : françois #KOI : tout un tas de trucs utiles pour la gestion de l'infra kaz (à mettre dans chaque script) #KAN : # maj le 27/01/2024 by FAB: recherche de tous les srv kaz dispo (via le DNS) # maj le 15/04/2024 by FAB: correction getPahekoOrgaList # https://wiki.bash-hackers.org/scripting/terminalcodes BOLD='[1m' RED='[0;31m' GREEN='[0;32m' YELLOW='[0;33m' BLUE='[0;34m' MAGENTA='[0;35m' CYAN='[0;36m' NC='[0m' # No Color NL=' ' ######################################## setKazVars () { # KAZ_ROOT must be set if [ -z "${KAZ_ROOT}" ]; then printKazError "\n\n *** KAZ_ROOT not defined! ***\n" exit fi export KAZ_KEY_DIR="${KAZ_ROOT}/secret" export KAZ_BIN_DIR="${KAZ_ROOT}/bin" export KAZ_CONF_DIR="${KAZ_ROOT}/config" export KAZ_CONF_PROXY_DIR="${KAZ_CONF_DIR}/proxy" export KAZ_COMP_DIR="${KAZ_ROOT}/dockers" export KAZ_STATE_DIR="${KAZ_ROOT}/state" export KAZ_GIT_DIR="${KAZ_ROOT}/git" export KAZ_DNLD_DIR="${KAZ_ROOT}/download" export KAZ_DNLD_PAHEKO_DIR="${KAZ_DNLD_DIR}/paheko" export APPLY_TMPL=${KAZ_BIN_DIR}/applyTemplate.sh export DOCKERS_ENV="${KAZ_CONF_DIR}/dockers.env" export DOCK_LIB="/var/lib/docker" export DOCK_VOL="${DOCK_LIB}/volumes" export DOCK_VOL_PAHEKO_ORGA="${DOCK_LIB}/volumes/paheko_assoUsers/_data/" export NAS_VOL="/mnt/disk-nas1/docker/volumes/" } ######################################## printKazMsg () { # $1 msg echo -e "${CYAN}${BOLD}$1${NC}" } printKazError () { # $1 msb echo -e "${RED}${BOLD}$1${NC}" } ######################################## checkContinue () { local rep while : ; do read -p "Do you want to continue? [yes]" rep case "${rep}" in ""|[yYoO]* ) break ;; [Nn]* ) exit ;; * ) echo "Please answer yes or no." ;; esac done } checkDockerRunning () { # $1 docker name # $2 service name if ! [[ "$(docker ps -f "name=$1" | grep -w "$1")" ]]; then printKazError "$2 not running... abort" return 1 fi return 0 } ######################################## testValidIp () { # $1 ip local ip=$1 local stat=1 if [[ $ip =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then OIFS=$IFS IFS='.' ip=($ip) IFS=$OIFS [[ ${ip[0]} -le 255 && ${ip[1]} -le 255 && ${ip[2]} -le 255 && ${ip[3]} -le 255 ]] stat=$? fi return $stat } ######################################## getValInFile () { # $1 filename # $2 varname grep "^\s*$2\s*=" $1 2>/dev/null | head -1 | sed "s%^\s*$2\s*=\(.*\)$%\1%" } getList () { # $1 filename (cat "$1"|sort; echo) | sed -e "s/\(.*\)[ \t]*#.*$/\1/" -e "s/^[ \t]*\(.*\)$/\1/" -e "/^$/d" } getPahekoPluginList () { ls "${KAZ_DNLD_PAHEKO_DIR}" | grep -v "paheko-" } getPahekoOrgaList () { # ls "${DOCK_VOL_PAHEKO_ORGA}" find ${DOCK_VOL_PAHEKO_ORGA} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf '%f\n' | sort } getAvailableComposes () { ls "${KAZ_COMP_DIR}" | grep -v -- "^.*-orga$" } getAvailableOrgas () { #KI : Fab #KOI : donne la liste de toutes les orgas pour un serveur donné sinon serveur courant #KAN : 27/01/2024 #en entrée SITE_DST="$1" if [ -n "${SITE_DST}" ];then ssh -p 2201 root@${SITE_DST}.${domain} "ls \"${KAZ_COMP_DIR}\" | grep -- \"^.*-orga$\"" else ls "${KAZ_COMP_DIR}" | grep -- "^.*-orga$" fi } getAvailableServices () { local service for service in paheko cloud collabora agora wiki wp; do echo "${service}" done } ######################################## filterInList () { # $* ref list filter # stdin candidats local compose while read compose ; do if [[ " $* " =~ " ${compose} " ]]; then echo ${compose} fi done | sort -u } filterNotInList () { # $* ref list filter # stdin candidats local compose while read compose ; do if [[ ! " $* " =~ " ${compose} " ]]; then echo ${compose} fi done | sort -u } filterAvailableComposes () { # $* candidats local AVAILABLE_COMPOSES=$(getAvailableComposes;getAvailableOrgas) if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then echo ${AVAILABLE_COMPOSES} fi local compose for compose in $* do compose=${compose%/} if [[ ! "${NL}${AVAILABLE_COMPOSES}${NL}" =~ "${NL}${compose}${NL}" ]]; then local subst="" for item in ${AVAILABLE_COMPOSES}; do [[ "${item}" =~ "${compose}" ]] && echo ${item} && subst="${subst} ${item}" done if [ -z "${subst}" ] ; then echo "${RED}${BOLD}Unknown compose: ${compose} not in "${AVAILABLE_COMPOSES}"${NC}" >&2 #exit 1 else echo "${BLUE}${BOLD}substitute compose: ${compose} => "${subst}"${NC}" >&2 fi else echo "${compose}" fi done | sort -u } ######################################## serviceOnInOrga () { # $1 orga name # $2 service name # default value local composeFile="${KAZ_COMP_DIR}/$1-orga/docker-compose.yml" if [[ ! -f "${composeFile}" ]] then echo "$3" else grep -q "$2" "${composeFile}" 2>/dev/null && echo on || echo off fi } ######################################## waitUrl () { # $1 URL to waitfor # $2 timeout en secondes (optional) starttime=$(date +%s) if [[ $(curl -k --connect-timeout 2 -s -D - "$1" -o /dev/null 2>/dev/null | head -n1) != *[23]0[0-9]* ]]; then printKazMsg "service not available ($1). Please wait..." echo curl -k --connect-timeout 2 -s -D - "$1" -o /dev/null \| head -n1 while [[ $(curl -k --connect-timeout 2 -s -D - "$1" -o /dev/null 2>/dev/null | head -n1) != *[23]0[0-9]* ]] do sleep 5 if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then actualtime=$(date +%s) delta=$(($actualtime-$starttime)) [[ $2 -lt $delta ]] && return 1 fi done fi return 0 } ######################################## waitContainerHealthy () { # $1 ContainerName # $2 timeout en secondes (optional) healthy="false" starttime=$(date +%s) running="false" [[ $(docker ps -f name="$1" | grep -w "$1") ]] && running="true" [[ $running == "true" && $(docker inspect -f {{.State.Health.Status}} "$1") == "healthy" ]] && healthy="true" if [[ ! $running == "true" || ! $healthy == "true" ]]; then printKazMsg "Docker not healthy ($1). Please wait..." while [[ ! $running == "true" || ! $healthy == "true" ]] do sleep 5 if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then actualtime=$(date +%s) delta=$(($actualtime-$starttime)) [[ $2 -lt $delta ]] && printKazMsg "Docker not healthy ($1)... abort..." && return 1 fi [[ ! $running == "true" ]] && [[ $(docker ps -f name="$1" | grep -w "$1") ]] && running="true" [[ $running == "true" && $(docker inspect -f {{.State.Health.Status}} "$1") == "healthy" ]] && healthy="true" done fi return 0 } ######################################## waitContainerRunning () { # $1 ContainerName # $2 timeout en secondes (optional) starttime=$(date +%s) running="false" [[ $(docker ps -f name="$1" | grep -w "$1") ]] && running="true" if [[ ! $running == "true" ]]; then printKazMsg "Docker not running ($1). Please wait..." while [[ ! $running == "true" ]] do sleep 5 if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then actualtime=$(date +%s) delta=$(($actualtime-$starttime)) [[ $2 -lt $delta ]] && printKazMsg "Docker did not start ($1)... abort..." && return 1 fi [[ ! $running == "true" ]] && [[ $(docker ps -f name="$1" | grep -w "$1") ]] && running="true" done fi return 0 } ######################################## downloadFile () { # $1 URL to download # $2 new filename (optional) if [ $# -lt 1 ] || [ $# -gt 2 ]; then printKazError "downloadFile: bad arg number" return fi URL=$1 if [ -z "$2" ]; then FILENAME="$(basename $1)" else FILENAME="$2" fi if [ ! -f "${FILENAME}" ]; then printKazMsg " - load ${URL}" curl -L -o "${FILENAME}" "${URL}" else TMP="${FILENAME}.tmp" rm -f "${TMP}" curl -L -o "${TMP}" "${URL}" if ! cmp -s "${TMP}" "${FILENAME}" 2>/dev/null; then mv "${TMP}" "${FILENAME}" else rm -f "${TMP}" fi fi } unzipInDir () { # $1 zipfile # $2 destDir if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then printKazError "unzipInDir: bad arg number" return fi if ! [[ $1 == *.zip ]]; then printKazError "unzipInDir: $1 is not a zip file" return fi if ! [[ -d $2 ]]; then printKazError "$2 is not destination dir" return fi destName="$2/$(basename "${1%.zip}")" if [[ -d "${destName}" ]]; then printKazError "${destName} already exist" return fi tmpDir=$2/tmp-$$ trap 'rm -rf "${tmpDir}"' EXIT unzip "$1" -d "${tmpDir}" srcDir=$(ls -1 "${tmpDir}") case $(wc -l <<< $srcDir) in 0) printKazError "empty zip file : $1" rmdir "${tmpDir}" return ;; 1) mv "${tmpDir}/${srcDir}" "${destName}" rmdir "${tmpDir}" ;; *) printKazError "zip file $1 is not a tree (${srcDir})" return ;; esac } ######################################## get_Serveurs_Kaz () { #KI : Fab #KOI : donne la liste de tous les serveurs kaz sous le format srv1;srv2;srv3;.... en intérogeant le DNS #KAN : 27/01/2024 liste=`dig -t TXT srv.kaz.bzh +short` #on nettoie liste=$(echo "$liste" | sed 's/\;/ /g') liste=$(echo "$liste" | sed 's/\"//g') #renvoi srv1 srv2 srv3 .... echo ${liste} } ########################################